Secure Zoom Accounts Required to Use Zoom Desktop/Mobile Version 5.6.3 or Later
Posted: 2021-10-05 13:11:43 Expiration: 2022-10-12 13:11:43
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2021-10-05 13:11:43. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
Effective October 5, 2021, all UW-Madison Secure Zoom accounts will be required to use a Zoom desktop/mobile client version of 5.6.3 or later.
Participants attending a meeting hosted by a Secure Zoom account will also be required to use a Zoom desktop/mobile version of 5.6.3 or later.
Below are quick resources:
- Test the version of your Zoom desktop/mobile version here: .
- Learn how to check the version of your Zoom desktop/mobile version here: .
- Learn how to update your Zoom desktop/mobile version here: .
- If you are using a managed computer, you may need to consult your IT department for further assistance.
Please contact the DoIT Help Desk if you have any questions.
-- UW-Madison Zoom