Topics Map > Food


Chickpeas are the most widely consumed legume in the world.

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Library Code of Conduct

Policy Number


Responsible Office

UW-Madison Libraries


University Policy


The UW-Madison Libraries support the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university by providing access to and delivery of information. The libraries endeavor to provide safe, respectful, and inclusive environments for collaborative and individual study and learning. In order to provide these environments, patrons and staff who enter UW-Madison Libraries agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.



Individuals will:

  • Obey all federal, state, and local laws including Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter UWS 18 which governs conduct on university lands.
  • Comply with applicable university policies and with all library policies including, but not limited to, food and drink, noise, mobile device usage, and photography and filming.
  • Use computers, online resources, and all other library technology within the guidelines of the UW System Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy.
  • Adhere to policies governing appropriate use of university identification and present identification to library staff upon request.
  • Respond to alarms and other emergency or security situations as instructed by staff.
  • Limit use of the library to public areas and leave library spaces at closing.
  • Treat all library users and staff with respect.

Individuals will not:

  • Exhibit any threatening or intimidating behaviors, e.g., abusive language, threats of violence or harassment.
  • Engage in behavior that is potentially unsafe or harmful to self or others.
  • Create disturbances or disruptions, or behave in any manner that is inconsistent with the UW-Madison Libraries’ mission.
  • Engage in any sexual activities outside the limits of applicable laws.
  • Vend, peddle, solicit or petition in UW-Madison Libraries.
  • Post or distribute materials without permission in UW-Madison Libraries.
  • Misuse, misappropriate, damage, steal, deliberately misplace or obstruct use of library equipment, resources or facilities.
  • Violate copyright laws, including systematically downloading, printing, scanning or disseminating content in violation of copyright laws.
  • Deface or damage library materials including, but not limited to, underlining, highlighting, writing, removing pages or security devices.
  • Use library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.


Any violation of our code of conduct is subject to sanctions, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Being asked to leave the library premises
  • Being reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (Student Affairs)
  • Having library privileges suspended or revoked
  • Being banned from the UW-Madison Libraries or Campus
  • Being reported to the police
  • Legal prosecution

Incidents that result in a UW-Madison Libraries ban may be appealed to the Associate University Librarian (AUL) for Public Services.

Appeals must be written and sent to:

AUL for Public Services
Memorial Library, Room 372J
728 State Street
Madison WI 53706

Appeals will be considered and responded to in a timely fashion according to the written appeals process. Questions or comments can be directed to the AUL for Public Services.

Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources

External References

Approval Authority

Dean & Vice Provost of Libraries

Policy Manager

Dean & Vice Provost of Libraries


Associate Dean for Public Services -- Carrie Kruse,, (608) 263-2108

Effective Date

Source: View policy UW-1024 in the UW-Madison Policy Library

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    pdf file

    Keywordschick pea chickpea garbanzo bean   Doc ID15133
    OwnerWeizhong W.GroupKB Demo
    Created2010-09-22 19:00:00Updated2024-02-26 16:06:00
    SitesKB Demo, KB Demo - Child Demo KB
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