News and Announcements

May 18 - Network Storage Maintenance

Posted: 2011-05-18 03:15:33   Expiration: 2011-05-19 03:15:33

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2011-05-18 03:15:33. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Beginning at 8 pm on Wednesday, May 18, MERIT Infrastructure staff will temporarily disconnect all active connections to the MAPLE file server to enable access to our new network storage device. Please note that reconnecting to your home folder may now be delayed for up to 2 hours this evening while the data migration completes. Dean Winger will post out a message when the migration completes and access to home folders has been re-enabled.

The School of Education network file storage is at full capacity.  To meet the demands for additional storage space, MERIT and WCER Infrastructure staff have installed a second network storage device and will be migrating data to expand our storage capacity.

On Wednesday evening, MERIT staff will complete the migration of SoE home folders (the P: Drive) to the new storage device. There will be no connection changes due to this migration. Your existing connections, mappings or paths to your files on the MAPLE file server will continue to work.

Please note that this maintenance window completes our data migrations to the new storage unit.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience. Contact Brenda Spychalla directly if you have questions or concerns about this maintenance.

-- UWHelpDesk: Brenda Spychalla