Remote reset of a SoE password

This is how to rest a School of Education active directory password when you are working remotely.
First you must be connected to a departmental VPN that is using the portal.  Directions for downloading, installing, and configuring the VPN client can be found here.

Once you are connected to the SoE VPN, open up a web browser, and go to our Application Delivery Service website at, which will look like this:

Type in your SoE username and current password, and then click Sign in.  At the next screen, click on the Change Password link toward the top of the screen.

You will then be taken to the below screen, which will have your username already entered for you.  Type in your current password, then type in a new password, and then retype the new password to confirm.  Please note that passwords must be at least seven characters long, contain at least three character types (upper case, lower case, numbers, and/or special characters), and cannot contain your name or username as part of the password.  You also can't reuse a previous password.


If you have any problems or questions with this, please contact the MERIT helpdesk at 608-265-4773 or

remote, reset, password, AD 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jason E. in MERIT
MERIT, School of Education