StratComm Self-Service: Event Materials
Event Collateral
Name Tags
Customize and order directly through the Digital Publishing & Printing Services website. You can choose between one or three lines of text and 4x3-inch Avery paper with plastic or magnetic holders.
*Navigate to UW Name Tags; select size, then hit “configure;” in “logo” dropdown, select Nelson.
Coming Soon!
Custom tablecloth orders, swag packages, and more.
Event Promotion
Event Flyer Template
Use these templates to create custom event flyers for print and digital distribution. You can either download the template and customize it on your computer (using PowerPoint), or access the template through a Canva account.
Social Graphic Templates
Share your event on social media with a UW- or Nelson-branded template. The UW brand kit offers three different template styles, which can be customized through InDesign (you must have the application on your computer. You can also use our template, which matches the flyer template, through Canva (you can create an account for free).
TV/PPT Display Slide
Use this promotional display side to share your event on TV display screens across campus or in lecture halls before classes. Download the template and customize it on your computer (using PowerPoint).
Coming Soon!
Event photography requests and resources