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List Library - Manual Populations Process

This document describes the process to maintain the population of a manually curated List Library population.

Audience Note: This content only applies to a few people who manage Manifest groups that are consumed by the List Library. If you have been delegated update privileges to a Manifest group that is consumed by the List Library, this document will detail the process for maintaining the group.

List Management

  1. Maintain the list members using Manifest at
  2. Navigate to My groups > Groups I manage >
  3. Click the group name you are updating (e.g., vcfa_directors)
  4. Navigate to Members and add or remove members by NetID as appropriate
Note: If you don't know a person's NetID, you can use the NetID Lookup Tool at Contact if you need access to this tool.


Who will approve messages?

UW Communications staff will moderate messages.

Which email address will be on the List Library list?

Manifest groups manage members by NetID, which is then used to pull the person's Business Email Address into the List Library. A person can update their Business Email Address by following the instructions in MyUW Madison - Update Campus Business Email Contact.

How often does the List Library update?

The List Library refreshes once a day; any changes you make to the Manifest group will be reflected in the email list the following day.

Are service accounts supported in Manifest groups?

No, service accounts cannot be added to Manifest, but service accounts can be used as approved senders. This means you can send and receive mail from a service account if needed. Contact if you would like to discuss adding a service account.

manifest list library curate group update maintain 
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Josh O. in UW Google Apps
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