Topics Map > Campus Services > Office 365

Microsoft 365 - How can I lose access to my Microsoft 365 account?

Depending on your affiliation with UW-Madison, you may be assigned an Office 365 account. If your affiliation changes with UW-Madison, you may lose access to your Office 365 account.

Who manages/controls my affiliation with UW-Madison?

  • For Faculty/Staff: HR Office
  • For Students: Registrars Office
Microsoft 365 - What should I expect when I am no longer a Faculty, Staff, or Student?

Can my account be deactivated/turned off?

This will depend on your status with the university or the type of account you have.

  • All faculty/staff/students have an Office 365 account in the format of
  • If you are no longer affiliated with university (terminated faculty/staff or inactive student), your account will be processed through the deactivation cycle.
  • If you no longer want mail sent to a Faculty/Staff/Student or other alternate address, manage your alternate addresses.
  • If the account you are using is an Office 365 Service Account, it can be deleted. Contact your local IT/Domain administrator or the DoIT Help Desk to guide you with this process. Important: If an Office 365 account is deleted, the data associated with it cannot be restored.