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KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Manually Enterable KB Custom classes

There are nine custom classes in the KB that do not have a dedicated button in the editor. Users may enter these custom classes anywhere in their document via the source code tool and style them as needed.
KB Custom Classes
KB Custom Class Name HTML code What you will see

<span class="CreationTime"></span>

Time stamp of the document creation date/time, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (example: 2014-01-29 09:38:16)

<span class="ActivatorName"></span>

First and Last Name of KB User Activating the Document (example: Buckingham Badger)

<span class="ActivationTime"></span>

Time stamp of the document activation date/time, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (example: 2019-04-02 09:38:16)

<span class="ActivatorEmail"></span>

Displays the email address of the person who last activated the document (example:

<span class="LastUpdaterEmail"></span>

Displays the email address of the person who last updated the document (example:

<span class="LastUpdateTime"></span>

Time stamp of the most recent document update date/time, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (example: 2019-04-02 09:38:16)

<span class="LastUpdaterName"></span>

Displays the name of the person who last updated the content of the document (example: Buckingham Badger)

<span class="NumOfVersions"></span>

A numeric value representing the total number of document revisions (example: 14)
Visible only to Individual NetID

<span class=""></span>

(where "netid" is a specific NetID)

Surrounded content is only visible to individual logged in with the specified NetID (example: content surrounded by <span class="></span> is only visible to Bucky Badger's account.)

KeywordsCreationTime ActivatorName ActivationTime LastUpdaterEmail NumOfVersions CreationTime Activator Name Activation Time Last Updater Email Num Of Versions Number Of Versions Creation Time LastUpdaterTime ActivatorEmail Last Updater Time Activator Email no button in HTML or WYSIWYGDoc ID36795
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2014-01-28 17:08:38Updated2023-07-24 16:18:38
SitesKB User's Guide
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