KB User Group Meeting FAQ

Here are some questions that have been asked of the KB Team .

What is the KB User Group Meeting?

The KB User Group Meeting (KB UGM) is our annual gathering of KB admins and partners. Throughout the week, we'll discuss a broad range of topics in the hopes that we can share our experiences, knowledge, and learn from each other.

What types of sessions can I expect, and how does it differ from Monthly KB Advisory Group Meetings?

Where KB Advisory Group Meetings are focused on specific updates and changes that have been or are planned to be made to the KB, the KB User Group meeting focuses on high-level topics and discussions. Additionally, the KB User Group Meeting offers opportunities to engage with other KB admins to learn about what others are doing in their respective KB spaces.

The 2024 KB User Group Meeting will be completely virtual, with the exception of a possible in-person networking event at the end of week. Sessions will likely include mix of pre-recorded sessions, live presentations, and interactive sessions. We try to offer sessions that are more focused on technical information (e.g. using the KB APIs, advanced content development, etc.) along with sessions that cover functional areas (e.g. content formatting best practices, outreach to end users, etc.).

We aim to touch on different topics from year-to-year, and we typically finalize a specific agenda for the current year a few weeks in advance of the KB UGM. To get a sense of what might be covered, here is a list of high-level topics that have been covered in some way in the past and/or proposed for this year:

  • Formatting/organizing content within documents (e.g. working with templates, creating interactive content, embedding content, etc.)
  • Creating accessible and usable content
  • Updates to the KB search engine
  • Discussing where AI can be used in the KB

Is there a Registration Fee?

No, there is no Registration Fee, nor fees of any kind.

Will I need any specific tools to be able to attend the virtual sessions this year?

We will make sure that we only use software that can be run via web browser (e.g. Zoom). Some of these may require a plug-in be installed, but you won't need to install a new application unless you choose to.

We will also make sure that any tools or software used do not require UW-Madison authentication so that our partner institutions can attend sessions.

Will sessions be recorded?

Yes, the majority of sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Kaltura for viewing after the UGM is over. Sessions involving group discussion, such as breakout rooms, may not be recorded.

For past years, you can find playlists of our recorded sessions in Kaltura.


Keywordsugm frequently asked questions hotels honorarium honoraria registration fees hotel about description sessions topics activitiesDoc ID61283
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2016-02-29 10:40:26Updated2024-06-07 11:06:45
SitesKB User's Guide
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