Topics Map > News Tab

KB User's Guide - News Tab - News Item Status

This document defines the different states of a News item.

Visibility of News Items by Status

Future News Items:

  • Activation date in the future
  • Expiration date in the future
  • Do NOT appear in the News and Announcements content module of your KB Site
  • Do NOT appear in News archive (accessed by clicking the "More News" link in the content module)
  • Only viewable in KB Admin Tools > News Tab

Active News Items:

  • Activation date in the past
  • Expiration date in the future
  • Appear in the News and Announcements content module of your KB Site

Expired News Items:

  • Activation date in the past
  • Expiration date in the past
  • Do NOT appear in the News and Announcements content module of your KB Site
  • Appear in News archive (accessed by clicking the "More News" link in the content module)

Inactive News Items:

  • Activation date in the past
  • Expiration date in the past
  • "Inactive upon expiration" checkbox is checked on the News Item edit screen
  • Do NOT appear in the News and Announcements section in the Center/Content Module of KB Site
  • Do NOT appear in News archive (accessed by clicking the "More News" link in the content module)
  • Only viewable in KB Admin Tools > News Tab

To inactivate a news item:

  1. Edit the news item in the KB Admin Tools.
  2. At the bottom of the edit screen, check the Inactive upon expiration checkbox.
  3. Click Submit

KeywordsInactive upon expiration future active expiredDoc ID20879
OwnerLeah S.GroupKB User's Guide
Created2011-10-21 10:11:03Updated2023-06-30 13:49:30
SitesKB User's Guide
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