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L&S Lump Sum Payments to UW Students Guide

The L&S process for making non-service lump sum payments to UW students
The L&S process for making non-service lump sum payments to UW students. For service-related payments to students, please contact the appropriate HR representative assigned to your department.  Information about service-related payments are not included on this page.
Regardless of which mechanism is used for non-service lump sum payments to students, the L&S Business Office staff member assigned to your unit will normally be your first point of contact. The L&S Business Office will coordinate with L&S HR for any payments to be routed through the payroll system.
The Division of Business Services guide for making payments to students:
Step-by-Step Procedure 
In an effort to simplify and streamline this process and maintain our ability to track requests for student payments, L&S uses a fillable form which is available via the following links on the L&S Administrative Gateway:
Note that the submission forms allow for multiple funding sources to be included, if necessary.

Payments to Foreign National Students

1. When making a payment to a foreign national student, you must first determine the student's tax residency status.  For the most up to date procedure and the NRA Scholarship Spreadsheet, go to the Campus Human Resources Nonresident Alien Lump Sum Payments page.
2. Send the completed non-service student payment request form together with the award letter* and OHR-Glacier tax residency determination (for foreign national students) to the following email address: (payments to multiple students with the same type of payment may be submitted on an accompanying spreadsheet rather than filling out a separate form for each student – if you submit a spreadsheet, please include all of the same pieces of information as shown on our individual submission form, and list undergraduate and graduate students on separate spreadsheets).
*Special note to departments who use WiSH (Wisconsin Scholarship Hub) to administer scholarships: Although the scholarship recipient is notified via an automated process in WiSH, when submitting a request for a non-service lump payment through payroll, L&S must collect an award letter (or notification e-mail) to document 1) that the payment is non-service (i.e., there is no work requirement in exchange for the payment), 2) the amount of the payment, and 3) that the recipient was notified about receiving the payment.
3. Staff from the L&S Business Office will notify the person requesting the lump sum payment if the payment should be processed via the Bursar's Office or via PIR.  If the L&S Business Office determines that the payment must be processed via the payroll system, the L&S Business Office will forward your submission to the L&S HR/Payroll Office.

4. If the L&S Business Office forwards the request to the L&S HR/Payroll Office, L&S HR will determine the appropriate title and will send additional processing instructions to the person who requested the payment.  Do not make entries in JEMS New Hire prior to receiving such instructions.

At any time during this process, any/all of the staff involved will be able to determine the status of the payment. We have developed an internal tracking system for this purpose. The person in your department requesting the lump sum payment (as indicated at the bottom of the completed form) will be kept informed as actions occur. 
5. Non-Service Job Aid Form Non-Service Job Aid Form must be completed and kept on file for all payments on non-service appointments. This form provides documentation that the payment being provided is not subject to employment taxes. 
Forms and Documents:
Department Usage of the Wisconsin Scholarships Hub (WiSH* system)
Non-Credit External Internship or Research Support payments Review Form:

Non-Service Lump Sum - Tax Treatment:
Procedure for processing Non-Resident Aliens from UW-Madison Campus HR
UW-Madison Definitions (Scholarship, Fellowship etc):

award, prize, scholarship, fellowship, resident alien, nonresident alien, lump sum, welcome check 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Michele G. in L&S KB