Administrative News and Announcements

New ATP Information page on L&S KB

Posted: 2024-05-08 14:02:59   Expiration: 2024-05-22 14:02:59

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2024-05-08 14:02:59. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Down the right side of the L&S KB main page is a link to the new "ATP Information for L&S" page. From here you may access information on ATP related activity including a schedule of L&S Workday demos as well as links to past demo recordings and material.

Below is what you will see on the ATP Information for L&S page.

Here is a link to the page that will be maintained and updated. This is an internal site.

L&S ATP Readiness Leads will be working over the next few weeks to add helpful information into blank areas.

Department Tasks

Here you will find the list of in progress, upcoming, and closed tasks we invite departments to take part in. Your participation will hopefully help to increase your readiness for Workday.

Please reach out to Dani Delmore if you have questions on any of these tasks, or any other content on this page.

L&S ATP Tasks and Status
Status Details

In Progress

  • FDM Mapping Review by Department - Validate all projects have been mapped appropriately and that the names given to projects (future state Worktags) will allow you to find the funds you need when initiating a transaction.
  • Review the Security Role Assignment Matrix - Take a look at the linked spreadsheet as you learn more about workflow through L&S Workday demos, and let us know if you have questions or concerns with how things are mapped. We can also walk through your department specific scenarios with you.


  • Workday Demonstrations - be sure to attend upcoming Workday demos, check out the list of demos below and invite staff that will benefit from attending. Bring your questions!


  • Validate billing circumstances for your department. Complete validation in the spreadsheet by Friday 4/26/24.
  • Security role mapping round 2 - respond to security role mapping surveys indicating the people that you believe will need particular security to complete tasks in Workday. Here is a matrix of security roles and the people you placed into them as of this most recent round of mapping. Please reach out with any questions or updates.

L&S Workday Demos

L&S administration will be holding demonstrations of the Workday system to provide opportunities to see the system in action, as well as offer up time for questions.

Below is a schedule of upcoming demos. Once the demo has taken place, we will link the recorded session.

Date & Time Session Title Description Recording

April 1st, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Expense Module Demo for L&S Staff Michele Gundrum, the L&S Business Services Director, gives a demonstration of the Workday replacement for e-reimbursement and p-card processes.


Presentation Slides

April 15th, 2024

(2:00 - 3:30)

External Billing, Cash Sales, and Internal Service Delivery Demo for L&S Staff Tricia Johnson, who is the Finance Associate Director for non-sponsored accounts receivable and billing, as well as a member of the ATP Finance Strategy Team gives a demo of the Workday functionality that will replace internal and external billing.


Presentation Slides

April 29th, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Costing Allocation Demo for L&S Staff Kesha Weber, L&S Budget Planner, gives a demo of the Workday functionality that will replace changing payroll funding.


Presentation Slides

May 20th, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Demo: Enter & Approve Absence Requests & FTE Change, Ending of Job, and Termination Sue Hook, HR Associate Director, and Ben Weisse, Assistant Dean, Faculty HR, will demonstrate upcoming functionality in Workday. In this first HR focused session, they will show how to enter and approve absence, as well as complete a FTE change, end a job, and terminate employees.

Link for meeting


Presentation Slides

June 3rd, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Adjust Payroll Costing Allocation Demo for L&S Staff James Hovland, L&S Budget Planner, gives a demo of the Workday functionality that will replace the process for salary cost transfers.

Link for meeting


Presentation Slides

June 17th, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Demo: Starting a Recruitment  Sue Hook, HR Associate Director, and Ben Weisse, Assistant Dean, Faculty HR, will demonstrate upcoming functionality in Workday. This demo will be focused on how to start a recruitment.

Link for meeting


Presentation Slides

June 24th, 2024

(2:00 - 3:00)

Workday Accounting Adjustment Journal Demo for L&S Staff Jana Valeo, Budget Office Financial Manager, gives a demo of the Workday functionality that will replace the process for non-salary cost transfers.

Link for meeting


Presentation Slides

General ATP Information

Administrative Transformation Program official site - New to ATP? Check out this website to learn more about what the project is all about!

Workday Terminology and Crosswalk - Search the list to find definitions for some common Workday terms, as well as the corresponding terms used now, where applicable. For example, some campuses use the words “pay statement” to describe what Workday calls “pay slip.” 

Ancillary System List and Dispositions - The Administrative Transformation Program partnered with business and system stakeholders from every UW institution to identify more than 1,800 ancillary systems for disposition. Check to see if your system is listed here. If not, please reach out to Dani Delmore to get it added.

Areas of Interest

IT Community Resources

[Content placeholder inside panel L&S IT Community Resources. This content will be shown/hidden as the panel is toggled.]

HR Community Resources

Coming Changes in Process with Workday:

Billing Community Resources

Finance Community Resources

[Content placeholder inside panel Finance Community Resources. This content will be shown/hidden as the panel is toggled.]

-- L&S KB: Dani Delmore