Topics Map > Student Academic Policies > Courses/Enrolling

UW-Madison Deadline for Adding Classes

This section gives students information regarding the deadline for adding classes and what permissions will be needed to add a course after a particular deadline.

What is the deadline for adding classes and do I need permission to do so?

Students are able to add classes to their schedule without special permission through the Student Center module in My UW once they receive their official enrollment appointment time.   It is possible to add a class by class search or by class number.  Students have until the end of the second week of the fall or spring term to add a class or classes without special permission.   For module courses and summer sessions, you should check the Key Deadlines chart on the Registrar's website.

After the second week of classes, a student has until the end of the ninth week of the fall or spring semester to add a class with special permission from the department.  Once this special permission is obtained, the student then needs to go online to enroll in the course through his/her Student Center module in My UW.

After the ninth week in the fall or spring term, an L&S undergraduate student must obtain the permission of the instructor for the course and an L&S academic dean (101 Ingraham Hall - L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans' Services) before being able to add a course at such a late date in the semester.  Once the instructor/department has given permission to late add a course, the Course Change Request should be forwarded to L&S Undergraduate Academic Deans' Services for review.  Our office will contact the student if there any questions.

Information on dropping a course can be found on the Registrar's Office webpage How to do it: step-by-step tutorials under add a class by class search and add a class by class number.  Please note that many of the step-by-step tutorials are in Flash format which may not play on some browsers and devices, including many mobile phones.

For important deadline information, see Deadlines at a Glance on the Office of the Registrar's Enrollment Deadline page.
Resources for Questions
Office of the Registrar: (608) 262-3811,
L&S Student Academic Affairs (608) 262--617,

add class, adding a course, add deadline, web enrollment, department permission online, enrollment time, registering for classes 
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