Results: 101-113 of 113

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
101Criteria for the L&S undergraduate "Level" attribute805682023-07-059299
102Criteria for the L&S Liberal Arts and Science ("LAS") attribute438192023-07-0510076
103L&S: Governance review of course proposals199842023-07-0512639
104L&S Course Proposal Information (Main Overview)1165472023-07-052443
105Graduate Support Guarantee Offer Letters1147712023-07-054043
106Peer Learning and Credit - L&S Guidelines475802023-07-054141
107L&S Instructional Policy for Undergraduate Directed/Independent Study Courses (for instructors and departments)201332023-07-0529585
108L&S Teaching Mentors List1162472023-07-052939
109L&S guidance for department-provided information in Course Search & Enroll1184412023-07-032085
110Academic & Curricular Administration941942023-06-012374
111Submitting an Exception or Adjustment to L&S Academic Requirements (DARS-X)607732020-09-018830
112STS [Glossary]700042024-06-215939
113Assessment of Student Learning248312023-07-056128
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