Printing (Windows) - Mapping a Departmental Printer

How to map a departmental printer in Windows.

These steps require a campus network connection. If you are off campus, or if you have trouble with the steps, please connect to VPN first. See WiscVPN GlobalProtect - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect GlobalProtect VPN for information about installing and connecting to VPN. Contact the TechZone if you need assistance.

When using a TechZone-supported computer, you may need to use Make Me Admin (Windows) to become an administrator before starting these steps.

  1. Open a File Explorer Windows File Explorer icon window.
  2. Click into the address bar near the top of the window.
  3. Enter \\ and press Enter.
  4. If prompted for credentials, enter as follows:
    1. Username: ad\netid (e.g., ad\bbadger)
    2. Password: your NetID password
    3. Check the Remember my credentials box
  5. When presented with the list of printers, locate the printer you'd like to map. They are labeled by building abbreviation, room number, and printer model.
  6. Right-click and select Open. It may take a minute for the mapping to begin.
  7. If prompted for a printer driver installation, allow the installation, entering your computer's password if needed.
  8. Once a small window named after the printer opens, the printer has successfully been mapped.

print map connect add networked network 
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David H. in L&S Learning Support Services
L&S Learning Support Services