Policy (SoE Only) - Support of Personally Owned Equipment
This article details the School of Education's support policy on personally owned equipment.
Policy Statement
School of Education staff who are requested to provide support for personally owned electronic equipment (e.g., desktop computers, laptops or phones) are not liable for hardware damage, software failures or data integrity while providing support for the item. Requests for support of personally owned items may be designated at a lower priority and subject to longer turnaround times.Policy Status
- Supported by ITPAC in April 6, 2009 meeting.
School of Education technologists have been meeting regularly to discuss projects and support issues. One topic that has come up is how to best support personally owned laptops and other electronic equipment. Technology reps requested ITPAC consider a School-wide policy or guideline to better define expectations and roles with supporting personally owned electronic equipment.Discussion points for this policy or guideline
- Recognizes the liabilities introduced by personally owned electronic equipment.
- Removes accountability for hardware support or hardware malfunction from School of Education personnel.
- Removes accountability for data integrity from SoE personnel.
- Places support of software requests for personally owned laptops at a lower priority than university owned systems.
- Provides consistency across SoE so support burden isn't shifted from one group to another group of SoE techs.
Discussion points covered under existing policies or guidelines:
- Requires devices run latest security patches and anti-virus if connected to campus network.
- Recognizes that university-related data stored on personally owned laptops may require encryption or other data safe-guarding methods.
- Recognizes that university-related data may require some means of a secure, IRB acceptable backup.
Procedures may include:
- Recommend DoIT Installation and Repair as resource for hardware support.