UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Consolidate your consumer Zoom account to UW-Madison Zoom

This document explains how to consolidate your eligible consumer @wisc.edu Zoom account to the UW-Madison Zoom service.


  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


What can I expect after moving my personal Zoom account to the UW-Madison Zoom service?

Free personal Zoom account UW-Madison Zoom account
  • Features are limited.
  • 40-minute maximum group meetings.
  • No option for Single Sign On (SSO), so youll need to remember another password for the Zoom account.
  • Not protected by the UW-Madison Zoom terms of service.
  • Basic license. Need to pay for premium features.
  • No branded URL.
  • Activate or consolidate your personal @wisc.edu Zoom account to immediately gain access to more features.
  • 30 hour maximum for group meetings. Learn more
  • Single Sign on (SSO) - You will log in with your NetID and password.
  • Protected by the UW-Madison Zoom terms of service.
  • Integration with Canvas.
  • No need to pay for premium features.
  • Branded URL: https://uwmadison.zoom.us 

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What settings and data will consolidate from my personal @wisc.edu Zoom account to my UW-Madison Zoom account?

Account-level and user settings will be changed to reflect accounts settings configured for a standard UW-Madison Zoom account.

Settings/events that will consolidate/migrate:

  • Existing meetings and meeting links.
  • If you previously used a netid@wisc.edu email address for your personal Zoom account, you will continue to have the same address for your UW-Madison Zoom account.
  • Your Personal Meeting ID will be the same.
  • Your personal account settings will consolidate to your UW-Madison Zoom account.
  • Cloud recordings.
    • Important: Except for users who are part of the Health Care Component sub-account (HIPAA). In addition, it is recommended that you save your recording(s) in a video hosting service.
  • Meeting templates.

Settings/data that will not consolidate:

  • Polling data/reports will not be migrated.
  • Meeting/webinar registration report data will not be migrated for past events.
  • Your UW-Madison Zoom account will only use your netid@wisc.edu email address. You cannot use a first.last@wisc.edu email address
  • The login URL will be different:
  • You will need to sign into your Zoom desktop client using SSO.
    • Company domain: uwmadison
  • If you stayed sign in on other devices, you will be signed out and will need to sign in again using SSO.
  • If you used a first.last@wisc.edu email address for your personal Zoom account, you will no longer be able to use this address for your UW-Madison Zoom account.

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How do I consolidate my eligible @wisc.edu personal Zoom account to UW-Madison Zoom?

After May 13, 2020:
Eligible netid@wisc.edu consumer Zoom accounts. (FREE account)
  • Noticeable change.
  • Lose prompt to consolidate, change email address, or skip for now.
  • When they go to zoom.us and login via username/password fields or Google SSO, they will be automatically redirected to uwmadison.zoom.us and asked to enter their netid credentials.
  • After logging in to uwmadison.zoom.us, they have now consolidated their account and have a UW-Madison Zoom account. Users are encouraged to go to uwmadison.zoom.us moving forward.
Eligible netid@wisc.edu consumer Zoom accounts. (PAID account)
  • Noticeable change.
  • Lose prompt to consolidate, change email address, or skip for now.
  • When they go to zoom.us and login via username/password fields or Google SSO, they will:
  • After logging in to uwmadison.zoom.us, they have now consolidated their account and have a UW-Madison Zoom account. Users are encouraged to go to uwmadison.zoom.us moving forward.
first.last@wisc.edu consumer Zoom accounts. (FREE/PAID account)

  • Noticeable difference.
  • Locked out of their account.
  • When they log in to zoom.us, they will be redirected uwmadison.zoom.us
    • Eligible users will login to their netid@wisc.edu account and are locked out of their first.last@wisc.edu account.
    • Ineligible users who attempt to login will, and then see a red splash page that says You are ineligible for this service.
    • They need to contact the Zoom Support for further service. We do not have access to their consumer accounts. 
      • The user has two options:
        • If they want to keep the account, ask Zoom Support to rename it to a non @wisc.edu address.
          If they do not want to keep the account, they can ask Zoom to delete it and provide a refund if it is a paid account.
Ineligible netid@wisc.edu consumer Zoom accounts (FREE/PAID account)
  • Noticeable difference.
  • Locked out of their account.
  • When they log in to zoom.us, they will be redirected uwmadison.zoom.us, and then see a red splash page that says You are ineligible for this service".
  • They need to contact the Zoom Support for further service. We do not have access to their consumer Zoom accounts.
  • Questions about refunds need to be directed to Zoom Support.

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I have a personal Zoom account using a non @wisc.edu email address (e.g., bucky@gmail.com). What should I do?

Personal Zoom accounts that are not using an @wisc.edu email address cannot be consolidated in to the UW-Madison Zoom service. You can either continue to use the personal Zoom account or terminate the account.

I have a personal Zoom account using an email address (e.g. @gmail.com) other than a netid@wisc.edu or first.last@wisc.edu email address. What should I do?

Change your email address to netid@wisc.edu as soon as possible if you would like to consolidate your personal account to a UW-Madison Zoom account.


  • If you do not rename your account prior to consolidation, you will need to contact the DoIT Help Desk.
  • If you are using Zoom for personal reasons or arent eligible for UW-Madison Zoom (see above eligibility requirements), rename it to your personal email address (e.g. john@gmail.com).

Steps to rename your account. 

  1. If prompted for consolidation, click Skip for this time.
  2. After logging in to your personal account, go to Profile > Sign-In Email > Edit
  3. Enter your netid@wisc.edu email address and click Save Changes.
  4. Check your netid@wisc.edu mailbox for an email from Zoom. Click on the link provided in the email.
  5. Sign in to https://uwmadison.zoom.us again. When prompted to consolidate, follow the consolidation steps provided above.

If you are still having issues renaming your account, please contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance: 1.

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I have a personal/consumer Zoom account using a department@division.wisc.edu email address. What should I do?

If your intention is to use this account within UW-Madison Zoom tenant, then follow the step outlined in UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Service Account Request.

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uw madison zoom personal education license migrate upgrade dont migrate migration minute limit group meetings sso terms of service premium features consumer consolidate consolidation company domain uwmadison 40 unlimited no time free service account data polling reports cloud recording
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Zoom S. in Zoom
DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Zoom