Topics Map > Features and Functionality > Client Capabilities > Web (OWA)

Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web) - Show all folders

This document provides steps on how to show all of your folders in Outlook on the web.
  1. Go to Outlook on the web.
  2. You see the following email screen:

    folder view

  3. To view your mail folders, click on the 'arrow' next to "Folders" to expand your folder listing.
  4. You should now see all of your folders listed in the left-hand column. Remember, if you have folders that exist within their respective parent folders, you will need to expand the parent folder to see these.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 outlook on the web app show all folders viewDoc ID46187
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2015-01-13 15:21:23Updated2023-02-02 09:22:55
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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