Topics Map > Human Resources & Payroll
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Human Resources - Affiliate with the Institute

This document outlines the implementation of NIPP 4.11., "Nelson Institute Affiliates."

Nelson Administrative Process

To initiate a Nelson Institute affiliate appointment, interested UW-Madison faculty or staff should send a brief letter of request and a current CV to the Dean for review by the Executive Committee at its next scheduled meeting.

Upon approval, the Executive Committee administrator will notify the new affiliate and send them a welcome letter and packet of information regarding the Nelson Institute. They will also notify the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) to enter the relationship into the Human Resources System (HRS).

Nelson Institute affiliate appointments are for three years. The appointment start date is the date the request was approved by the Executive Committee and the end date is June 30.

Affiliate appointments can be renewed indefinitely for three-year terms. In Spring, the Executive Committee administrator will run a report to identify affiliates with expiring terms and contact affiliates to determine whether they wish the appointment to be renewed. The Executive Committee reviews all renewal requests. The above procedures will be followed for approved renewals.

Staff Resources

Keywordszero dollar, affiliation, associate   Doc ID106422
OwnerKate W.GroupNelson Administrative Hub
Created2020-10-06 14:50:26Updated2023-10-02 13:21:51
SitesNelson Administrative Hub
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