IT Policy Activity, Sep 2018
Posted: 2018-08-14 10:00:00 Expiration: 2018-09-27 20:00:00
The itpolicy-announce list communicates policy changes and opportunities to participate in development. Anyone may join by sending a blank email to
Change History
- Published on 8/14. Updated on 8/21, 9/19, 9/21.
Opportunities to help shape IT policy
The Password Standard will be reviewed and revised this Fall. The Identity and Access Management Council (IAM Council) will make recommendations.
The Information Incident Reporting and Response Policy and Procedures will be reviewed and revised during the 2018-2019 academic year. The PAT Incident Response Subcommittee will make recommendations.
The Encryption Policy and Standard is being reviewed and revised during the 2018-2019 academic year. A policy stakeholders team will be formed to make recommendations.
The Web Accessibility Policy and Procedures will be reviewed and revised during the 2018-2019 academic year. A policy stakeholders team will be formed,to begin meeting in October. Please contact or if you are interested in participating.
To comment, or otherwise get involved, please email
New / Revised Documents
Published a list of Policy Portfolios, which organize policies by topic, including related policies issued by other Offices and Divisions. Those designated as "IT Policy" are approved by the Information Technology Committee (ITC) and published by the Office of the CIO.
See the Last Reviewed / Revised List for earlier activity.
For questions or comments, please email
Endorsement / Approval Pending
- The Network Firewall Policy and Implementation Plan will be reviewed by the ITC this Fall.
To comment, or suggest additional documents that need to be developed or revised, please email
Forums / Events
The next IT Policy will be Tue, Nov 6, 1:00-2:30, Rm 159 Education (1000 Bascom Mall).
Topic TBD. Possible topics include:- Risk Management
- Asset Inventory
- Security Education Training and Awareness (SETA)
- Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM)
- Credentials policy
If you have a preference, or other ideas, please contact us.
To comment, or suggest future topics, please email
Teams / Governance
Policy Planning & Analysis Team (PAT) and its subcommittees
The PAT normally meets on the first Friday of the month, 1:30-3:00 in Rm 3139 CS. You are welcome to attend.
PAT Executive Committee meeting, Notes.
The PAT EC normally meets on the third Friday of the month, 2:15-3:15 in Rm 2147 CS. You are welcome to attend.
PAT Subcommittees:
Communications Subcommittee (ongoing): Communications of policy development and published IT policies, including IT Policy Forums, the IT Policy Knowledgebase, and policy-related web pages on September meeting was Wed, Sep 19, 10:00-11:00, Rm 2281 CS.
Portfolio Subcommittee (ongoing): Organizing and managing IT policies as portfolios of related policies. September meeting was Wed, Sep 19, 3:30-4:30, Rm 2147 CS.
Process Subcommittee (ongoing): Monitoring and improving the process of IT policy development. No meeting in September. Next meeting will be Mon, Oct 8, 11:00-12:00, Rm 2147 CS.
For more information please contact
Policy-related activity by other teams:
IAM Council: Working on recommendations for a new Credentials Policy.
For more information please contact
UW-Madison Information Security Team (UW-MIST)