Topics Map > How About Technology

How do I reserve technology and other shared departmental equipment?

How to reserve shared departmental equipment?

DCS has a Google drive-based resource library! This library gives any DCS staff member access to tools such as laptops, display tablecloths, adapter cords, and more. The entire inventory is available in the DCS Resource Library which includes individual resource overview sheets with resource details and even links to manuals. Within the Shared Drive and within the details of each item, there is a request resource reservations link which takes users to a simple google form. To learn more, visit the Resource Library using the link above or view this short DCS Resource Library tutorial video.

Keywordstechnology, shared equipment, equipment, departmental equipment   Doc ID108036
OwnerAshley K.GroupDivision of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
Created2020-12-22 11:41:58Updated2020-12-22 11:43:12
SitesDivision of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
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