How About Ad Hoc Payment :: How About... Ad Hoc Instructor Payment?
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How About...Ad Hoc Instructor Payment? 

Review the flowchart below to determine how you need to pay your instructor.  Then, use the links below to find the desired topic.

Instructor Payment Flowchart Image

Click here to view or download a copy of the above flowchart.

As you navigate through the flow chart, as best practice, once a year, any and all instructors should be sent through the Ad Hoc Instructor Payment Survey. An instructor's employment status within UW-Madison and the UW System has a tendency of changing not only in regards to employment status but also the FTE's of their position. The Non-Credit Payroll Specialist will follow up on these inquiries as they are received.

Results: 1-9 of 9

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, ASSA Procedures1318042024-07-10519
2Ad Hoc Instructor Payment Procedure Flowchart and Payment Survey1109352024-02-15530
3Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Cost Receipts1351862024-02-01361
4Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Overload Procedures (UW-Madison Employees Only)1109522023-09-29686
5Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Inter-Institutional Agreement1109542023-08-28466
6Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, New Supplier Account Procedures1304892023-08-21368
7Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, PIR/DP Procedures1148892023-08-21516
8Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Inter-Institutional Overload Procedures1109532022-01-03547
9Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, Payroll Procedures1109512021-05-27577

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