NetID - Changing Your NetID

This document explains the policy for having a NetID changed.

Important: A NetID change can cause temporary loss of access to some campus services, or potentially, data loss. As we become aware of services that are negatively impacted by NetID changes we will document them at the bottom of this page. Scroll down for more information.


NetIDs may be changed in a variety of circumstances. You may request a NetID change if you meet any of the criteria below.

  • Your legal name has changed. To have your legal name changed, follow the instructions below. Note: A legal name change is not required to change your NetID.

    Students: Complete the steps in the Student Center using these instructions.

    Faculty and staff: Contact your department's HR or payroll staff.

    Emeritus, retirees, and other NetID holders: Contact the human resources office of your sponsoring department or the Office of Human Resources at (608) 265-2257.

    Your NetID may only be changed after your name change is completed. You can confirm your name has been changed in the UW Directory.

    Note: If you are looking to change your Office 365 email address to reflect a legal name change, this can be done regardless of whether or not you change your NetID. For more information, see Microsoft 365 - Activate or change your address.

  • Your NetID is considered commonly offensive.

Please note: NetID changes, no matter the criteria, have a 12 character limit.

To request a NetID change, you must call the DoIT Help Desk.

Your New NetID

  • Your new NetID will be computer-generated based on official University records. We cannot accommodate requests.
  • NetID changes take approximately 2-3 business days.
  • You will be called after the NetID change has been completed.
  • If there are any issues preventing your NetID change, you will be contacted.
  • If your email address changes, your old email address will permanently forward to your new address.
  • If you use Campus Active Directory for login, you may need to work with your local IT team to resolve issues.

Systems impacted by NetID Changes

If you use any of the following systems, you may need to contact the support team after your NetID changes in order to regain access. Test your access to the system after the NetID change, and if you can no longer get in, email them providing your old and new NetID. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, there may be other services impacted by a netID change.

Keywordsnetid wiscworld username change legal offensive personalized account office 365 o365 email address rename last name surname married marry divorce divorced changing renaming family given account new request update   Doc ID1108
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2001-09-26 19:00:00Updated2024-09-09 13:21:15
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management
Feedback  8   6