NC-SARA Out-of-State Learning Placement Reporting

UW-Madison is required to report annually on learning placements in every state, territory, and district as part of its membership in NC-SARA. This document provides the background on the reporting requirement, as well as the process utilized for data collection within the university.

SARA-participating institutions have been required to report out-of-state learning placements (OOSLP) since 2018. 

Out-of-State Learning Placements Defined

Learning placements are a critical component of many instructional programs. They include activities such as clinical rotations, student teaching, internships, and other similar activities. Though learning placements occur in a variety of disciplines, they are particularly common in certain fields, such as health-related disciplines and education. They are often a required part of obtaining a degree and/or license to practice a particular profession. Out-of-state learning placements are simply learning placements that occur in a state other than the home state of the institution. OOSLP reporting includes learning placements related to on-ground and distance learning programs. Virtual learning placements are not included in data reporting. 

Reporting Process at UW-Madison

UW-Madison is required to report annually on learning placements in every state, territory, and district. These placements include, but are not limited to, clinical rotations, student teaching, and internships. Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) coordinates the annual reporting effort. The university onlys report on on-ground placements that involved the physical presence of the student at the location, so we only report if students were physically located in that state.

Since placement information is maintained by programs and/or schools/colleges, these units are asked to provide the placement data, which DAPIR then compiles and reports on behalf of the university. The process is typically initiated by DAPIR in March with the data due in early May.

Instructions for Schools/Colleges/Programs

DAPIR prepares a Google Sheet to facilitate the program-by-program data collection. The document includes tabs for each school/college (S/C). Within the S/C tab, there are columns for the programs within that S/C that DAPIR records indicate have out-of-state placements. A few notes:

  • Data is tyipcally due to DAPIR in early May as the institutions comprehensive data is due to be reported to NC-SARA in mid-June.
  • The data reported should include all placements started between 1 January and 31 December of the prior year.
  • Tthe "Number of Student Placements" field should reflect the number of unduplicated student placements in that state started in the prior year.
  • Placements should be reported on a state-by-state basis for which one or more of the following is true:
    • The placement was an activity required for award/degree completion, and/or
    • The placement was an activity required for professional licensure, and/or
    • It was a for-credit placement

Past Reports

For reference, prior year reporting tools are retained, as follows:

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Karen M. in Academic Planning
Academic Planning