Microsoft 365 - Email Authentication for external senders

This document provides information for non UW-Madison senders who send email that does not pass email authentication checks. UW-Madison Faculty, Staff and Students should read Microsoft 365 - Email Authentication (DMARC) Introduction.

On August 5, 2024, UW-Madison enabled email authentication (DMARC) checks for all mail received from the internet. Mail that does not pass email authentication checks will be routed to the recipient's Inbox or Junk folder based on the DMARC policy published for your domain. Here are some resources to help you understand what is happening:

You may need to work with your own email administrator or IT support staff to help you resolve email authentication issues. If a message is sent to Junk it is because we are complying with the policy published by the domain owner and we do not offer "allow listing" for mail that does not pass email authentication checks.

If you received a notice that your message was rejected with the error code "5.7.5 Permanent error evaluating DMARC policy" it is because there is a misconfiguration with your DMARC record. The most common issue is that your organization has published two (2) DMARC records for your domain. Please contact IT support for your organization to correct the issue.

KeywordsDMARC email authentication whitelisting junk spam spoofing permanent error permerror   Doc ID138896
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2024-08-04 14:28:18Updated2024-08-05 07:38:16
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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