Microsoft 365 - DMARC Consultation & Information Requests

This document explains how UW-Madison Office 365 users can contact the university's Office 365 Team to request a DMARC consultation for their department/organization or make direct inquiries and provide feedback about the deployment of DMARC on campus.

What is DMARC?

Domain-based message authentication, reporting, and conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication, policy, and reporting protocol. It allows email providers to verify that email was sent from a real UW-Madison address and not from phishers, spammers, or other unverified sources appearing as legitimate UW-Madison email users.

How can I learn more about DMARC's deployment at UW-Madison?

  • General information about the deployment of DMARC on campus can be found on UW-Madison's Email Authenticity webpage.

  • Specific questions or feedback about DMARC deployment at UW-Madison can be submitted to UW-Madison's Office 365 Team by contacting the DoIT Help Desk

  • Requests for a DMARC consultation with your department/organization can be submitted to UW-Madison's Office 365 Team by clicking on the following link and submitting the filled-out form: Email Authenticity Consultation.

KeywordsDomain-based message authentication reporting conformance DKIM SPF TXT DNS email records publish publication phishing spoofing impersonation impersonating consulting   Doc ID82804
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2018-06-11 13:23:45Updated2024-07-24 13:39:59
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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