Course Search & Enroll - Swapping a Class
An overview and step-by-step guide to swapping classes using Course Search & Enroll.
Swap is a special action that lets you enroll in one class and drop another in one move.
Swapping classes is useful when you don't want to drop a class before enrolling in a new class.
For example, if you have already enrolled for your maximum allowed credits for the term, you wouldn't be able to add another class without "making room" by dropping some credits. By using swap, the enrollment system will confirm that you are eligible and able to enroll in the new class or its waitlist, before completing the drop of the old one.
You can also use the swap feature to exchange one enrolled section for another within the same class.
A note of caution: If the class you want to add is waitlisted and you hope to be enrolled in your current class AND on the waitlist for the new class, you'll need to use the Course Search & Enroll - Add & Enroll in Classes instead of Swap.
Note: Add and drop deadlines still matter!
Changes made using swap follow the same deadlines as regular add and drop. If you drop a class after the "no record on transcript" deadline for that class's session, the class will show as a DR on your transcript (with the exception of swapping different sections of the same class).
Read more about drop deadlines here: Course Search & Enroll - Dropping a Class
Quick steps
- Add the new class to your cart.
- Select the checkbox for the class.
- Open the three-dot menu at the top of the cart and choose Swap Course.
- In the pop-up window that opens, choose the class that you want to drop.
- Select the Swap Courses button.
- Review the "Enrolled" list on the "My Courses" tab to confirm that you have successfully enrolled in the correct section.
- Add the new class to your cart.
- In your cart, select the checkbox next to the course, then select the three-dot menu next to the Enroll button. Click the Swap course button.
- In the pop-up window that opens, select a class from your list of enrolled classes.
- Review the courses you are about to swap and click the Swap Courses button.
- You will see a confirmation message about the added and dropped classes. Visit your Enrolled classes list to see the changes.
- In case the swap is unsuccessful:
- Read carefully the message informing you of the error.
- For more information and explanations of common error messages, see Course Search & Enroll - Common Issues and Error Messages.
- For more information and explanations of common error messages, see Course Search & Enroll - Common Issues and Error Messages.
- If you are attempting to swap again after resolving the issue, you might see an error message beneath the course.
- The error message does not refresh/revalidate and is there because of the previously unsuccessful attempt.
- This means that if you know the issue has been resolved, you can disregard the message and complete the swap process.
- Read carefully the message informing you of the error.