University Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-02-12

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 2/19/2018
Approved minutes for February 12, 2018          Approved on February 19, 2018, as amended

UC members present: Amasino, Bowers, Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
UC member absent: Litovsky
Others present: S. Smith, J. Richard, M. Felber, H. Daniels

Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m., after fixing the conference table’s power supply. The minutes of the meeting of February 5, 2018, were approved. Michelle Felber announced that the PROFS WRS forum will be held on the 21st.

Representatives from the Ombuds Office (Chuck Snowden) and the Employee Assistance Office (Sherry Boeger, Susan Fuzard) reported on the last year in their respective offices. Number of visitors increasing for both; specific details on issues and demographics can be found in this presentation. Fuzard also reported on e-health resources, which the UC felt should be widely distributed to chairs in particular. Discussion followed, including about similarities and differences between the two offices and about the impact of Hostile and Intimidating Behavior policies.

Dean of the Graduate School Bill Karpus responded to a question about memo regarding the PROSPER Act, which was issued in collaboration with federal relations officer and is part of a broader effort to provide information on how to advocate. Karpus also provided an update on the grad assistant stipend increase, hopefully the first of two steps (the second to $20K base) and connected to effort to get programs to provide 4- or 5-year guarantees. Ample discussion followed. Karpus’s time with the UC concluded with a discussion on the topic of changes to FPP 3.05.H. 

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf reported that a student protest about the new meal plan will be held, which has led to the first invocation of the new protest oversight committee. Mangelsdorf discussed this and several other issues with the UC, including UW Extension merger, appointment of interim WSB dean, and other searches.

IRH Director Ullrich Langer, University Library Committee (ULC) Chair Sabine Gross, and Associate VC Lea Jacobs discussed the new library masterplan. Langer spoke about the threat to UW’s excellence in humanities research, responding to arguments in the consultant report and master plan presentation. Gross reviewed the process that led to the report, which was notably devoid of faculty or other user input. She also spoke to the lack of an active, independent role for ULC in general. Jacobs spoke to organizational efforts to make faculty and other voices heard. All present agree that there is no dispute that consolidation is needed. However, all are also very concerned about lack of (faculty) governance involvement in the development of the consultant’s report and its apparent de facto conversion into a masterplan. Recommendation to charge the ULC or other body to provide this input, which should be at a minimum incorporated as an attachment to the consultant report. Gross opined that much of the content of the report/masterplan is positive, but that there are at least three areas of deep concern: elimination of Kohler, dismantling of Memorial, and changes to Verona storage facility. UC will draft charge and continue discussion with Libraries Director Van Gamert next week. There will be a forum on the libraries, sponsored by IRH, on March 16th. 

Terry Warfield moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:09 p.m. The UC considered and unanimously approved a dual role waiver (for one year, not the two requested) and reviewed applications to the Athletic Board. Rick Amasino moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:39 p.m., at which point Wanner opened the door and adjourned the meeting.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID80411
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2018-02-23 12:58:42Updated2022-10-27 15:23:51
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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