Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-04-02
Prof. Wanner moved adoption of Faculty Document 2733, which comprises a number of updates and clarifications to FPP Chapter 6, and called attention to changes since the first reading. Prof. Goldberg moved to divide the question to consider each section separately. The motion was seconded and failed by voice vote. Prof. Goldberg moved to amend 6.01.F. as follows.
The faculty or Faculty Senate, or the University
Committee or other authorized appointing body or other appointing body
to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority, may
provide for the selection of committee members; the scope of their authority;
the rules and regulations for their proceedings; and the form in which the
committee’s work should be reported.
The motion was seconded and, after some discussion, passed by a show of hands. Prof. Goldberg moved amending the language of 6.01.G. similarly, as follows.
Ad hoc faculty committees established by the faculty,
Faculty Senate, or University Committee or other appointing body to
which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority are subject to
the general provisions of this chapter.
The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. Prof. Goldberg moved to strike the proposed language for 6.03. on advisory committees. The motion was seconded and after much discussion passed by voice vote. Prof. Goldberg moved to replace “University Committee” in 6.04.A. and 6.04.B. with “other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority.” The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. Prof. Goldberg moved to add the following sentence to the end of 6.04.C.: “The University Committee’s decision may be appealed to the Faculty Senate.” The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote. Assistant Professor Betsy Stovall (Mathematics, District 63) moved to restore 6.09.C. to its original language, as follows.
If a committee makes a recommendation or proposes as resolution for action by the Faculty Senate, the vote of the faculty members on the committee on the recommendation or proposed resolution shall be reported to the Faculty Senate along with the total committee vote.
The motion was seconded and, after some discussion, passed by voice vote. Chancellor Blank noted that Chapter 6 would be renumbered appropriately to reflect the changes made today. Prof. Stovall moved that the language of proposed 6.09.C. (“A committee may seek changes to its charge by presenting a proposal to the University Committee.”) be removed. The motion was seconded and, after some discussion, failed by voice vote. The document as amended passed by voice vote with no dissenting votes.
The chancellor encouraged faculty to send comments and questions on first readings to the University Committee and/or the Secretary of the Faculty in the several weeks between first readings and votes, so that suggestions can be addressed and questions answered prior to bringing the matter to the floor. Prof. Wanner presented Faculty Document 2741, which comprises the final report of the ad hoc committee on 7th-year reviews and recommended changes to FPP based on that report, for a first reading. There were several comments, which will be considered and addressed prior to a vote on this matter.
Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:58 p.m.
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty