Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-05-07

Minutes approved mo-day, 2018

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with 142 voting members present (110 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Roswell Boutwell (Faculty Document 2743), Professor Emerita Joan Hazel Carter (Faculty Document 2744), Professor Emeritus Matthew Davis (Faculty Document 2745), Professor Emeritus Frank Groves (Faculty Document 2746), Professor Patricia Keely (Faculty Document 2747), Professor Emeritus Daniel Kunene (Faculty Document 2748), and Professor Emeritus Alexander Skinner (Faculty Document 2749).

Chancellor Blank reported on several administrative searches, announced the launch of Bucky on Parade, and offered her year-end thanks to several people. She also pointed to the report and recommendations of a group reviewing the history of student organizations using operating under the name Ku Klux Klan in the1920s. Outgoing University Committee chair Anja Wanner outlined key activities of the past year and also offered her own year-end thanks. There were questions and comments about the Thompson Center, the public history project growing out of the aforementioned study, alternative UW Foundation investment options, and support and resources for faculty and staff experiencing harassment. The minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2018, were approved.

Associate Professor Nick Hillman (Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis) presented the annual report of the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid (Faculty Document 2750). Professor Doug Reindl (Engineering Professional Development, District 42) presented the annual report of the Recreational Sports Board (Faculty Document 2751). Associate Professor Steph Tai (Law School, District 44), accompanied by committee co-chair Kelly Krein, presented the annual report of the Committee for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People in the University (GLBTQPiU) (Faculty Document 2752). Professor Bret Larget (Botany, District 47) presented the annual report of the Committee on Women in the University (Faculty Document 2753 with appendixFaculty Document 2753 alone and appendix alone). Associate Dean of the College of Letters and Science Sue Zaeske presented a proposal to restructure the UW-Madison Linguistics Department into the Language Sciences Program (Faculty Document 2754). There were no comments or questions on any of the foregoing reports.

Professor Steve Ventura (University Committee, District 120) presented for discussion the report of the tenure working group of the Madison-Extension Governance Integration Committee (Faculty Document 2755), which includes the recommendation that UW-Extension faculty retain the tenure that they have earned and be subject to post-tenure review under the UW-Madison policy. There were two comments, one about the nature of tenure as a right to due process rather than a guarantee and the other underscoring the need to appropriately accommodate Extension faculty who have not yet achieved tenure.

Professor Anja Wanner (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2700, which clarifies the language of Faculty Policies and Procedures (FPP) 3.05.H. regarding eligibility of academic staff to serve as major advisors to graduate students. A discussion about whether the Graduate School has to approve departmental policies resulted in a consensus that is does not, as this is a departmental decision. Thus, Chancellor Blank asked for consent to change “Exceptions may be granted by the dean of the Graduate School…” to “Exceptions will be granted by the dean of the Graduate School…” There was no objection. Following one other comment, the motion passed by voice vote without dissent.

Professor Wanner moved adoption of Faculty Document 2732, which creates a new FPP Chapter 6 shared governance committee focused on immigration and international issues. There was no discussion and the motion passed without dissenting votes. Professor Wanner, noting substantial changes based on the first reading, moved adoption of Faculty Document 2741, which recommends changes to FPP to clarify that all reviews for promotion must commence before the end of the 6th clock year. Professor Eric Sandgren (Pathobiological Sciences, District 113) moved to amend the document by deleting the sentence “It is generally expected that, except under extraordinary circumstances, completely new information will not be considered as part of any divisional committee reconsideration.” The motion was seconded. Following ample discussion, the motion failed by a show of hands. Professor Lauren Trepanier (Medical Sciences) moved to amend the sentence above to “It is generally expected that, except under extraordinary circumstances, accomplishments that were generated after the date of first consideration will not be allowed.” The motion was not seconded and therefore not considered. The motion as amended passed by voice vote. Associate Professor Kurt Paulsen (Planning & Landscape Architecture, District 22) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2756, a resolution on payment of mandatory fees by graduate assistants. The motion was seconded. Professor Terry Warfield (School of Business) moved to postpone this resolution to the October meeting. The motion was seconded. Following substantial discussion, Professor Noah Weeth Feinstein (Community & Environmental Sociology, District 18) called the question. The motion to call the question was seconded and passed by voice vote. The motion to postpone failed by a voice vote. Assistant Professor Kathryn McGarr (Journalism & Mass Communication, District 61) moved to amend to remove items 3 and 4 from the second “resolved” clause of the resolution. Following some discussion, a voice vote on the amendment was indeterminate and a hand count revealed that quorum had been lost. As this was the last meeting of the current Senate, the motion fell to the ground.

                 Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 5:29 p.m.


Steven K. Smith

Secretary of the Faculty


Keywordsshared governance document   Doc ID86715
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2018-10-12 11:40:52Updated2023-12-07 17:51:15
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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