Kaltura - Known Issue - "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Gallery Import Only Shows Canvas Courses in Which the User Has the Canvas Role of "Teacher" or "Principal Instructor" [UW-Madison]

If an instructor uses Kaltura's course media gallery in Canvas (currently listed as "Kaltura Gallery" in the Canvas course menu), they may wish to import that course media gallery into another course. The media gallery import function will only display previously taught courses in which the user has the role of "Teacher" or "Principal Instructor." Additionally users can only publish to a course media gallery in which they are a "Principal Instructor" or "Teacher."


  • Instructors who wish to import Kaltura course media galleries from previously taught Canvas courses in which they do not have the "Teacher" or "Principal Instructor" role.


Instructors can contact the DoIT Help Desk to request escalation to the Learn@UW-Madison team. Be sure to mention which course(s) you want to import Kaltura course media galleries from.