Results: 1201-1220 of 3158

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1201Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-28-21108612The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-271354
1202Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 12-08-20108526The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-221311
1203Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-07-21108528The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-221592
1204Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-21-21108367The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-191395
1205Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 12-10-20108202The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-081627
1206ASA Document 742. ASPP Changes Chapter 13108121The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-061267
1207Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-07-21108159The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-01-051400
1208ASA Document 739. Resolution to Support Fair Trade Certification Efforts for UW-Madison108120The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291514
1209ASA Document 738. Nominating Committee Candidate Darren Martin108119The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291402
1210ASA Document 736. Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid Annual Report, 2019-2020108118The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291403
1211ASA Document 735. Committee on Women in the University Annual Reports, 2017-2019108117The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291534
1212ASA Document 734. 2020 Standing Committee Election Results108116The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291471
1213ASA Document 733. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Annual Report, 2018-2019108115The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291269
1214ASA Document 732. 2020 ASEC Election Results108114The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291405
1215Academic Staff Assembly December 2020 Follow Up Materials107875The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-181774
1216ASA Document 741. Memorial Resolution for Sandeepa Lama Palmer107894The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-171290
1217ASA Document 744. Memorial Resolution for Diana Girdley107896The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-171329
1218ASA Document 745. Academic Staff Standing Committee Annual Reports 2019-2020107898The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-171342
1219ASA Document 743. Resolution in Support of Instruction and Training on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice107892The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-171295
1220Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 11-09-20107872The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-151875
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