Results: 1361-1380 of 2206

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1361ASA Document 503. 2006-07 Nominating Report35027The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132292
1362ASA Document 487. 2011-12 Standing Committees Annual Reports35011The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132436
1363ASA Document 502. Critical Compensation Fund35026The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133049
1364ASA Document 488. 2011-12 - OSAS - Annual Governance Report35012The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132378
1365ASA Document 479. New Social Compact Resolution34998The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132401
1366ASA Document 496. Standing Committee Slates35020The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132474
1367ASA Document 481. Robert Newsom - ASEC Candidate35000The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132517
1368ASA Document 499. ASPP. Chapter 2- Academic Staff Appointments35023The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132404
1369ASA Document 501. ASPP Chapter 12 Revisions35025The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132510
1370ASA Document 505. Athletic Board Report35029The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132235
1371ASA Document 491. Memorial Resolution - James Knickmeyer35015The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132353
1372ASA Document 492. Academic Staff Sub-Committee on the Impact of the Budget Repair Bill35016The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133127
1373ASA Document 493. Donna Silver Recognition Resolution35017The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132310
1374ASA Document 494. Robin Kurtz ASEC Statement35018The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132509
1375ASA Document 486. Carla Phillips Memorial Resolution35007The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132748
1376ASA Document 495. Renee Becker Memorial35019The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132957
1377ASA Document 490. Academic Staff Assembly Resolution on the UW-Madison Human Resources Design Strategic Plan35014The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132492
1378ASA Document 497. Steve Myrah Memorial Resolution35021The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132309
1379ASA Document 480. Year of the Wisconsin Idea Resolution34999The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132760
1380ASA Document 489. 2012-13 ASEC Priorities35013The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132407
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