Results: 1581-1600 of 2218

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1581Beckman 45Ti and JA14 Rotors129497Biochemistry Equipment2023-07-06407
1582BioTek Cytation CYT5M Plate Reader and Washer129502Biochemistry Equipment2023-07-06487
1583DNAstar Qseq and NGen Software129518Biochemistry Equipment2023-07-06381
1584Titan Krios G3i with FFI and Micro-ED Upgrades129556Biochemistry Equipment2023-07-06460
1585Graduation and Incomplete Grades121641L&S KB2023-07-061240
1586L&S APC Policy on Creating, Restructuring, or Discontinuing Departments, Programs, and Department-like Units20152L&S KB2023-07-069455
1587L&S Assessment: Tips and Terminology25287L&S KB2023-07-067284
1588Changing the Name of L&S Academic Programs, Majors, Named Options, Departments, and Centers20052L&S KB2023-07-0611710
1589L&S Academic Program Review - Resources, Guidelines, Templates, and Advice24892L&S KB2023-07-067700
1590L&S Funding String for S&E and Student Hourly Allocations Effective FY21102802L&S KB2023-07-062610
1591L&S Statement Regarding Online Lecture Notes Services and Authorized Presence in Classroom41187L&S KB2023-07-058849
1592L&S Policy and Procedures for Grade Appeal22258L&S KB2023-07-0511803
1593Criteria for the L&S Liberal Arts and Science ("LAS") attribute43819L&S KB2023-07-0510452
1594Peer Learning and Credit - L&S Guidelines47580L&S KB2023-07-054248
1595Professor Wattiaux's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Publication List51831Dairy Nutrient2023-07-035638
1596UW-Madison Office 365 and Campus Relay IP Addresses129447Microsoft 3652023-07-031330
1597WiscWeb - Cloning, duplicating, and replacing existing pages119608WiscWeb2023-06-263692
1598Administration-Sample Lessons & Community Music Lessons Youth Protection Policies and Procedures128630Mead Witter School of Music2023-06-21479
1599KB User's Guide - General Info - Highlighting in the Live Sites and in the KB Admin Tools18580KB User's Guide2023-06-1529129
1600KB User's Guide - Settings Tab - SEO Description for the Internal and External Sites36829KB User's Guide2023-06-1326534
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