Topics Map > Office of Cybersecurity > Tools and Software > 1Password
1Password - Eligibility for 1Password
Who is, and is not, eligible for a UW-Madison 1Password account.
Eligible populations differ based upon the 1Password account type, University or Families. Details on account differences can be found here: 1Password - University vs Families Accounts
University Account Eligibility
Enrolled students, student employees, and paid faculty and staff are eligible to activate a 1Password University account. Alumni and unpaid staff are not eligible. The 1Password contract does not allow for extending University accounts to non-UW entities.
Families Account Eligibility
Anyone with an email address, including retirees and Emeritus faculty, are eligible to activate a free 1Password Families account. Anyone who does not have an active email address is not eligible.
Important Note from UW Health: Please DO NOT store credentials for UW Health or Meriter systems in 1Password.