Software needed to run SMNG Audapter experiments

A list of repositories needed to run SMNG Audapter experiments

Audapter, Audapter-adjacent functions, and device drivers

The blab-lab/audapter_mex fork of Audapter includes setup instructions for using our lab's version of Audapter

Companion repo: free-speech

Location of repo:

This repo contains the code from SMAC and BLAB Labs that is used across different experiments (such as code to randomize stimulus order). There are some files that will have to be changed by each experiment running site. For safety, it is not possible to push directly to master of this repo. If you are making any changes that you want to push to the master branch, you have to make your particular changes on a feature branch and then open a pull request that has to be reviewed by someone else before merging.

Files to edit for each data collection site


This function gets the path to the experiment folder on the local machine, i.e. the place where data is saved as an experiment is being run. There is currently a switch/case statement for working with different computers. I suggest expanding this for the computers that will be used to run the experiments.


This function gets the path to the experiment folder on our server, i.e. where data is saved so it can be accessed by any computer in our lab group. You shouldn't need this to run any of our experiments, but it may be called by some satellite functions. You should be able to create a switch statement similar to what is in get_exptSavePath.

FileExchange (helper functions)

You will also need to download some miscellaneous functions that we use from file exchange. You can either go the burdensome route of searching for them all and downloading them one by one, or access them all at once in this Google Drive folder.

Hardware needed

For a list of the hardware we use, see Experiment hardware setup (relevant information: OS and sound card). 

software, Audapter, experiments, setup 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Robin K. in SMNG Lab Manual
Speech Motor Neuroscience Group