Paid Faculty and Clinical Adjunct Faculty Annual Performance Review Kickoff

This KB provides instruction and deadlines for the paid faculty annual performance review exercise. This KB is intended for department leadership, HR Business Partners (HRBP) and HR Operations Coordinators (HR Ops) who assist with the completion of this exercise.

Background and Policies

In follow up to the Faculty (Paid & Clinical Adjunct) Performance Review Timeline that was emailed to department leadership, HRBPs and HR Ops in August, below is further information and instructions related to the official kickoff of the paid faculty and clinical adjunct faculty annual performance review process.

The completion of annual faculty reviews is a requirement of our LCME accreditation and is critical to our success. Compliance is essential for all departments.

Paid Faculty

All SMPH faculty holding a paid appointment at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor on any of our five faculty tracks (tenure, CHS, CT, RP and TP; excluding rehired annuitants) must be reviewed annually by their department chair (or designee), as stated in the SMPH-10090: Faculty Performance Review Policy. In addition, each faculty member should have the opportunity to meet with the department chair, in person or virtually, in a group or individual setting, at least once per academic year. Note: these faculty members DO NOT receive a review through the PMDP system.

Reminder on the topics to be covered in an annual review:

Performance with respect to:

  1. The individual’s job description and responsibilities (clinical, research, teaching and leadership as applicable).
  2. SMPH standards of professional behavior as stated in the SMPH Bylaws.
  3. For Assistant and Associate Professors – discuss timeline and readiness for promotion to the next rank.

Annual reviews will include mutually agreed upon goals for the year.

Who is not included in this exercise/who can you disregard on your list?

  • Clinical Instructors, Instructor CHS, true Visiting faculty (1-2 year terminal positions), and faculty rehired annuitants
    • These individuals should not appear on your list, however, if you happen to see someone who falls into one of these categories, leave a comment on the spreadsheet stating “N/A - list title
  • Faculty members who have resigned/retired and will not be working beyond the review due date (6/30/2025)
    • Leave a comment on the spreadsheet stating “N/A - retired/resigned effective DATE
  • Faculty members who have been employed for less than one year as of the review due date (6/30/2025)
    • An annual review is not required in these instances, although the department may conduct a review if they wish
    • If a review will not be conducted, leave a comment on the spreadsheet stating "N/A - new faculty member hired DATE"
  • Faculty members who required a post promotion or post tenure review in the given year instead
    • An additional review is not needed through this annual review process
    • Leave a comment on the spreadsheet stating "N/A - post promotion/post tenure review completed effective DATE"

Clinical Adjunct Faculty (if applicable)

All departmental clinical adjunct faculty must be reviewed annually by the department chair (or designee), as stated in the SMPH-10095: Clinical Adjunct Track Faculty Performance Review Policy.In addition, each regional campus/statewide clinical adjunct faculty member (Marshfield, Aurora, Gundersen) must also be reviewed annually, however, they are reviewed by the Associate Dean for the academic campus, rather than by the department chair.

In addition, each clinical adjunct faculty member (departmental and regional campus/statewide) should have the opportunity to meet with the department chair, in person or virtually, in a group or individual setting, at least once per academic year.

NEW FOR 2025 REVIEWS: on your clinical adjunct attestation spreadsheet, you will be asked to list the date(s) and venue(s) that the opportunity was offered to the clinical adjunct faculty (departmental and regional campus/statewide) to meet with the department chair. We are capturing this information moving forward for LCME purposes.

Action Required: Department leadership, HRBP & HR Ops

Department leadership, HRBP & HR Ops

  1. Review attestation spreadsheets, taking note of any questions or discrepancies
    1. Contact Faculty HR with any discrepancies or questions related to the paid faculty list
    2. Contact Dawn Frenchwith any discrepancies or questions related to the clinical adjunct faculty list
  2. Determine who on your list may not require a review. See "Background and Policies" section above
  3. Prepare for completion of reviews and if applicable, pass along the spreadsheets to department contacts who may assist with the exercise

Department leadership

  1. Complete all paid and clinical adjunct faculty reviews using the attestation spreadsheets attached to your email
  2. Track review completion dates, reviewer name, and include any comments you’d like to provide
  3. The clinical adjunct faculty excel spreadsheet does not include those faculty within your department who work at a statewide campus since those reviews are done at the statewide locations. However, to ensure we are following the policy, you must still provide an opportunity for the statewide clinical adjunct faculty to meet with the SMPH department chair as you are required to do for the departmental clinical adjunct. Because of this, you will see that there is an additional tab on the departmental clinical adjunct list with names/email addresses for the statewide clinical adjunct faculty. This should help ensure you are able to also reach out to them about an opportunity to meet with the chair if they would like
    1. If you find any discrepancies on your clinical adjunct faculty list, please notify Dawn French ASAP so she can ensure the statewide campus associate dean is aware 
  4. Department chair must sign the bottom of each excel spreadsheet, attesting that reviews have been completed
  5. Important: send HRBP a copy of the official evaluation for each faculty member so they can save it to the faculty member's personnel file

HRBP and HR Ops

  1. Assist departments with identifying any discrepancies and fielding questions
  2. Once reviews have been completed, return the completed/signed attestation spreadsheets to Faculty HR and Dawn French
  3. Collect review documentation for each faculty member from the department and upload the documents to ImageNow (Faculty HR does not need the review documentation) 


By June 30th, 2025

Paid faculty and clinical adjunct faculty annual reviews must be completed and attestation spreadsheets must be signed and returned to Faculty HR and Dawn French.

faculty, annual, review, performance, evaluation, clinical adjunct, statewide, departmental 
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Owned by:
Courtney G. in SMPH Human Resources
SMPH Human Resources