Topics Map > Business Office > E-Reimbursement > Misc. Purchases & Supplies

Business Office - Reimbursement of Misc Purchases & Supplies

How to seek reimbursement for Misc Purchases & Supplies from the SoHE Business Office
Expense Type to use in e-Reimbursement: Misc-Purchases/Supplies

Expenses that are considered Miscellaneous Purchases or Supplies are those that would be best-judgment UW-Madison business-related purchases (less than $5,000) such as books, miscellaneous supplies, etc.  Note: These expenses may or may not be connected with travel or event/hosted meal expenses.

For the full policy related to the above, please see Division of Business Services Expense Reimbursement Policy.

Misc Purchases/Supplies (click for printable checklist)

The following documentation should be included in your expense report via e-reimbursement for Miscellaneous Purchases/Supplies expenses:

  • Itemized vendor receipt, showing proof of payment (Solitary credit card slips are not sufficient)
  • A Description of the Purchase and a UW-Madison business purpose should be provided in the Description/Comments field of the expense report.

  • If there are additional/unusual details or circumstances related to the business-relatedness of the purchase that would be helpful to know that would not be immediately clear to an outside party from the expense report, please note these in the expense report, or in the supporting documentation.

  • If the purchase is related to an event, or other supporting documentation exists to further explain the business purpose of the purchase (i.e., an agenda, email, a page from an internal-UW or external website, etc.), please include that.

Keywordsmiscellaneous supplies, checklist, business related purchases less than $5000.00, books, office supplies, classroom supplies   Doc ID104971
OwnerAngela O.GroupSchool of Human Ecology
Created2020-08-14 15:38:38Updated2024-09-12 14:31:52
SitesSchool of Human Ecology
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