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Administration & Governance-Faculty Affairs -Travel with Students Policy

The goal of these guidelines is to ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that the health and safety of our students and employees is protected.

Human Ecology promotes education, research and service that extends beyond campus, spans international borders, and embraces innovation and social justice. The goal of these guidelines is to ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that the health and safety of our students and employees is protected.

A wealth of international travel resources and campus travel policies can be found at UW–Madison’s International Safety and Security website.

International Travel
  1. Seek approval from your department chair or supervisor prior to initiating a study abroad experience. Department chairs, in consultation with the Human Ecology Dean’s Office, will consider whether the proposed program fits within department’s strategic priorities and if there are adequate resources to support the initiative.
  2. All SoHE sponsored international experiences involving students must be offered for credit and coordinated through the appropriate UW-Madison International Division office.Plan at least a year in advance as it takes time to develop new programs. These offices will provide you and your students with comprehensive travel preparation and safety precautions.
  3. Complete the SoHE Request to Be Away from Campus Form
  4. Fully participate in mandatory program leader training after the program is approved.
  5. Check up on students’ safety on a regular basis.
Short-term and Domestic travel coordinated by Human Ecology faculty/staff
  1. Seek approval from your department chair or supervisor prior to initiating travel with students
  2. Complete the school's Request to Be Away from Campus Form
  3. Establish an on-site emergency contact that is available to trip participants 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
  4. Establish a UW-Madison emergency contact that is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
  5. Prior to departure, educate students about behavioral expectations, travel safety precautions and who to contact in the case of an emergency.
  6. Faculty or staff traveling with students on university business are Campus Security Authorities (CSA) under the federal Clery Act. That means if a crime is reported to you, you must forward a report of that crime to the UW-Madison Police Department. Prior to traveling with students:
  7. Check up on students’ safety on a regular basis.

students, international, travel, safety, health 
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Michelle H. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology