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CAPS & API Newsletter: End of Fall 2022 Semester

The Coordinators of Academic Programs & Services (CAPS) and Academic Planning & Innovation (API) Teams will continue the e-newsletter schedule with a beginning of the semester, mid-semester, and end of the semester issue each fall and spring! Below are several updates and reminders from our teams as we approach the end of the fall 2022 semester. 



Final Exam Room Assignments Fall 2022 

From the Registrar’s Office: 

Final Exam rooms are now assigned for all Fall 2022 sections with an exam code that normally requires General Assignment classroom space for their Final Exam. All assignments are posted to My Schedule in the Faculty Center and students’ MyUW Course Schedule widget.  


To view classroom assignments: log into MyUW and go to My Schedule in the Faculty Center. Scroll down to My Exam Schedule, and you will see one (or more) rooms assigned for each course. Please Note: Each course offering will be listed separately, so if you are teaching a combined course, the classrooms will appear for each member of the combination. 



(Contact: Holly Anderson, 


Final Grade Reporting Schedule Fall 2022 

  • Tuesday, December 13th grade rosters are created in SIS 
  • Friday, December 16 (at 11:59 p.m.) is the Deadline to request extended grading exception (for eligible courses only) 
  • Grading deadline for Fall 2022: Sunday, December 25, 2022 
  • After Tuesday, December 27 (at 11:59pm) instructors will no longer be able to enter or submit final grades unless an exception has been granted (see below) and missing grades will be posted as “NR.” 

Click here for the full grading schedule and email notice.  

(Contact: Holly Anderson, 


Course Evaluations for Fall 2022 

Course evaluations for the Fall 2022 semester will closed on Wednesday, December 14. If you would like to request a list of the students who completed the evaluation for your course(s), please email Michelle Hamilton ( to receive a completion report for your courses.


Fall 2022 TA/PA End of Semester Evaluations: DUE 1/13/23 

Now that the end of the fall semester is upon us, it is time for the evaluation portion of the TA/PA Rights, Responsibilities, Communication and Evaluation worksheet. All supervisors are required to review the graduate student TA/PA work at least once during the appointment term. Please complete this form for each of the TA/PA’s you are working with for fall semester only and for the TA/PA’s you will continue to work with for the spring semester.

(Contact: Michelle Holland, 

Spring 2023 TA/PA Rights, Responsibilities, Communication and Evaluation Plans: DUE 1/20/23

For any TA/PA’s that you will begin working with NEW for Spring 2023 semester, please submit the TA/PA Rights, Responsibilities, Communication and Evaluation worksheet. For those TA/PA’s that you will continue working with in the Spring semester, you may consider submitting a revised worksheet, but this is not required. Worksheets should be completed BEFORE the start of the new semester and can be uploaded to this BOX folder.

(Contact: Michelle Holand,  
Canvas - Spring 2023 Courses Now Being Created 

The Canvas courses for Spring 2023 began to be generated on November 21. Instructors will start seeing them appear on their Canvas dashboard. Course and roster information is updated every four hours from now until the end of the spring term. Please feel free to reach out to Andrea Johnston ( with any questions about setting up your spring Canvas course or transferring content from a previous semester into the spring.


Feedback on Teaching (FoT)  

Stay tuned for more information on a new professional development offering in Human Ecology. The program is called Feedback on Teaching (FoT). This opportunity will enable you to:  

  • Reflect on your teaching in a relaxed, supportive way  
  • Receive thoughtful guidance from a peer  
  • Identify ways to improve student learning  
  • Connect and engage with others in SoHE, as well as campus, teaching and learning community  


While the primary goal of Feedback on Teaching is to facilitate formative feedback, some may seek summative feedback as well for the purposes of tenure, promotion or a teaching portfolio. 

(Contact: Kathy O’Connell, 


Professional Development Opportunities 

Register now for two January workshops from the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring (CTLM): 


We want to recognize the great work departments have done on phase one of the SoHE self-study. We are transitioning into the next phase in early Spring and encourage you all to keep on, keeping on. You got this!  

(Contact: newly transitioned to Annette McDaniel,  




Uploading Course Syllabus into Canvas  
Access to course syllabi is a requirement for the university’s accreditation and departments are responsible for keeping syllabi on file. To facilitate this process, the API team will retrieve syllabi from Canvas and add it to the SoHE Syllabi Repository after instructors have uploaded course syllabi to Canvas.  

Please follow the instructions in the KB (Knowledge Base) linked below to upload a PDF of your course syllabus to Canvas: 

UW Syllabus Template & Instructions for uploading PDF of syllabus to Canvas  

(Contact: Andrea Johnston, 


(Important things coming up, events, visits, enrollment deadlines, schedule build deadlines, enrollment periods, etc.)   

  • 12/14/22: Last day of instruction for Fall 
  • 12/16/22: Fall 2022 grade rosters created in SIS 
  • 12/18/22: UW Winter Commencement 
  • 12/23/22: Initial Call schedule edits due for Fall 2023- department chairs  
  • 12/25/22: Official degree conferral date on diploma for Fall 2022 degrees 
  • 12/25/22: Final grades for Fall 2022 due  
  • 1/24/23: First day of instruction for Spring 
  • 2/10/23: Final Call schedule edits due for Fall 2023- department chairs  
  • 2/21/23: Guide undergraduate edits due to API team  
  • 3/3/23: Graduate student visit day for admitted students 
  • 5/12/23: SoHE Graduate student graduation celebration  




KeywordsTeaching, observations, permissions, enrollment, self-study, syllabi, syllabus, canvas   Doc ID123068
OwnerMichelle H.GroupSchool of Human Ecology
Created2022-12-15 10:20:33Updated2022-12-15 10:24:45
SitesSchool of Human Ecology
Feedback  0   0