Network Disk Space at the SSCC

The SSCC provides a variety of networked storage.

This article is your guide to the disk space provided by the SSCC. Topics include:

Key Locations at a Glance

Windows Linux Linux Space Accessed From Windows
Home Directory (Private Space)  U:  Drive  Z:  Drive
Project Directories (Shared Space)  X:  Drive /project  V:  Drive
Temporary Space  Y:  Drive /temp30days

Must be mapped

Windows, Linux, and Silo

The SSCC has two parallel file systems: one for Windows and one for Linux. Thus you have two home directories, there are two project directories, etc. The Linux file system is available to Windows, but not the other way around. This can be a big help to Windows users who are learning Linux, but if you're only using Windows programs Windows disk space will give slightly better performance.

The Silo environment has a separate secure file system. It is a Linux-based system, and thus has only Z: and V: drives, not U: and X:. It also has an S: drive, or /smph, containing project directories for SMPH researchers.

Private Space

Private disk space is provided in "home directories." In Windows, your home directory is the  U:  drive. In Linux, your home directory is ~, or /home/{first letter of your user name}/{your user name (e.g. /home/b/bbadger). You can access your Linux home directory from Windows as the Z: drive.

Instructional and drop-in users' home directories are given 20GB of space and full member home directories are given 40GB of space with a 1 million file quota. If you need more than this, consider requesting a project directory. To check how much space you're using in Windows right-click on your  U:  drive and choose  Properties; in Linux type quota.

Home directories are private: other SSCC users cannot access files in your home directory.

Project Space

Project space is mainly for groups working together on a common project, though if you need more space than can be provided in your home directory it's possible to request a project directory for one person. New project directories will start with a quota of 1TB and a quota of 1 million files per project. If you need more space, you can request a quota of 5TB and/or expand your file quota to 5 million using the form on the SSCC website. If you need more space beyond that, you can request a quota of 25TB, again using the web form. Your sponsoring agency will be informed of this request. If you still need more space, up to the technical limit of 60TB, email the Help Desk and we’ll schedule a meeting to discuss your needs.

You can check your current storage usage and file count on the SSCC self-service portal. You must be on campus or connected to a campus VPN (UW-Madison VPN, SSCC VPN, etc.) to access the portal.

Windows project folders can be found on the X: drive. Linux project directories can be found under /project. Linux project directories are available from Windows on the V: drive. SMPH projects in Silo are found under /smph, available from Windows as the S: drive.

Each project directory has an associated group of users who can access the directory, any other users outside of the associated group cannot. If you need access to a particular project directory, the owner of that directory must contact the SSCC Help Desk and ask that you be added to the group.

You can request a project directory by filling out the project space request form.

Normally project directories should be created in the same operating system (Windows or Linux) as the programs you'll be using. However, if you'll be using both Windows and Linux programs the directory should be created in Linux.

Temporary Space

Both Windows and Linux have space where you can store files temporarily. Files placed in these spaces will be deleted after 30 days.

In Windows, temporary space is available on the  Y:  (Temp30days) drive. If you wish to use it, make a folder for your files (e.g. Y:\bbadger). The  Y:  drive is completely public: any SSCC user can read, change, or delete any file on the Y: drive. This makes it a convenient place for sharing files with others, however, it should never be used for confidential data (or for any serious research data, really).

In Linux, temporary space is available in /temp30days. If you wish to use it, make a sub-directory for your files (e.g. /temp30days/bbadger). Directories under /temp30days are private by default, but if you're familiar with setting Linux permissions you can make them public if you so desire.

If you need to access the Linux temporary space from Windows, you'll need to map a drive to it.

Note that temporary space is not backed up in either Linux or Windows. Temporary space is not intended for long-term storage of important files.

Backups and Restores

SSCC backs up data once a day at 6:00PM: see the SSCC Data Integrity Policy for details. We hate to see anyone lose data, so please store all important files on the network where they are backed up.

On SSCC’s Windows file system, home directories (mapped as the U: drive) and project directories (mapped as the X: drive) are considered permanent storage space and are backed up by SSCC staff. SSCC staff do not back up any files stored locally on members’ hard drives or files stored in the Y: drive (temp30days).

On SSCC’s Linux file systems (both the general file system and the Silo file system), /home and /project directories are considered permanent storage space and are backed up by SSCC staff. Personal and departmental websites are also backed up. /temp30days and /tmp are considered temporary storage and are not backed up.

SMPH’s space in Silo (/smph, mapped as S:) is stored and backed up by DoIT as part of ResearchDrive.

If you need a file restored, send the Help Desk an email with the following information:

  • The operating system the file was stored on (Windows or Linux)
  • The name of the file
  • The full location of the file (e.g. U:\dissertation\absolutely critical data or ~/dissertation/absolutelyCriticalData)
  • The date on which you want it recovered (e.g. "the most recent backup")

If the file has been deleted and you don't know some of this information, just do your best and we can usually find it.

Please keep in mind that restoring files from backup takes a significant amount of staff time.

Managing your Space

The SSCC uses Storage Attached Network (SAN) devices to provide disk storage that is extremely fast and reliable. However, this storage space is much more expensive than a regular PC hard drive—in fact disk space is a major component of the capital SSCC's budget. We're pleased to provide all the disk space our members need without charging individuals or projects, but please help keep costs down by using disk space wisely:

  • Compress large files that are not in active use.
  • Share large data files among researchers rather than everyone making their own copy.
  • Delete intermediate data files that can be reproduced at will, keeping just the raw data and the version of the data you're currently working on (along with all the code that gets you from one to the other).
  • Delete data files that are no longer needed (but only if you're sure they're no longer needed).

Web Directories

The SSCC's web server will publish any files it finds in the  PUBLIC_web  directory on your web server. If you are using Windows, your website will go in \\\username . If you want to use SFTP (Secure FTP), you can use SFTP with SecureFX to from any SSCC connected computer. Your FTP program may allow you to tell it to start in PUBLIC_web  automatically, or you may need to change to that directory each time you log in. See Publishing a Website on the SSCC's Web Server for more information.

All of these directories are automatically read by the web server, and files and folders placed in them will be available on the web.

Keywordsnetwork disk space x z   Doc ID102660
OwnerZach H.GroupSocial Science Computing Cooperative
Created2020-05-31 10:19:38Updated2024-06-21 15:14:30
SitesSocial Science Computing Cooperative
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