Privileges: Mac

This document introduces the SAP Privileges app for macOS and explains how to use it to keep your Mac safer.


About Privileges

Privileges application icon

Privileges is an open source application for macOS which is designed to allow users to work as a standard user for day-to-day use, by providing a quick and easy way to gain administrator rights when needed. When you do need admin rights, you can get them by clicking on the Privileges icon in your Mac's dock.

Working as a standard user instead of an administrator adds another layer of security to your Mac and is considered a security best practice. Privileges helps enable users to act as administrators of the system only when required.

Privileges supports the following macOS versions:

  • macOS 10.12 — macOS 14.x

Privileges can be found within the /Applications folder if installed.

Installing Privileges

Privileges can be installed via the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub application.

  1. Open Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub either from the Mac menu bar or from within the Applications folder.

  2. Select Privileges and click on the INSTALL button.

    INSTALL Privileges- Workspace ONE


Using Privileges

Request Admin Privileges

If you are a standard user and want admin rights, verify that Privileges is installed then use the following procedure:

    1. Launch Privileges.

      The first time Privileges is launched, if prompted to allow notifications by the Privileges app, please choose "Allow".

      Allow notifications for Privileges

    2. Click the Request Privileges button.

    3. The Privileges dock icon should change to look like a yellow unlocked padlock

      Yellow icon- admin privileges added
    4. A "Privileges have been changed successfully" notification banner should appear.

      Privileges changed successfuly

    5. The logged-in account should now have admin rights.


Remove Admin Privileges

If you are a admin user and want to remove admin rights, verify that Privileges is installed then use the following procedure:

    1. Launch Privileges.

    2. Click the Remove Privileges button.

    3. The Privileges dock icon should change to look like a green locked padlock.
      Green icon- admin privileges removed

    4. A "Privileges have been changed successfully" notification banner should appear.

      Privileges changed successfuly

    5. The logged-in account should now be a standard user account.


Toggle Privileges - Preferred Method

This is the recommended method elevating your account to grant admin rights because it sets a timer which will automatically remove those privileges in 20 minutes (indicated by the dock icon notification) so that users will not need to remember to remove the admin privileges later.

To enable admin privileges for 20 minutes do the following:

    1. Right-click on the Privileges dock icon and select Toggle privileges from the contextual menu.

      Right-click and Toggle privileges

    2. The Privileges dock icon will change to the yellow unlocked padlock with a red notification bubble indicating how long until the admin privileges are removed.

      Privileges enabled for 20 minutes


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Keywordsstandard, admin, elevated, demoted, secure, security, research, drive, researchdrive, restricted, sensitive   Doc ID137702
OwnerDave P.GroupWCER
Created2024-06-04 10:30:27Updated2024-06-05 14:52:02
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