Remote Windows PC Setup- User Guide

This document is targeted at the WCER end user for use as a guide for the initial setup of remotely managed (i.e., Workspace ONE) Windows computers. This is especially useful for PCs which are issued to remote employees, or situations where there is little to no administrator interaction available or needed.



Because your computer is being issued remotely, there are some unique challenges that must be overcome in order to make it a success. 
First, your new computer is joined to the WCER/SoE network domain and will only allow users who are also members of that domain to sign in. You of course are a member, but, because your computer is being setup outside of our network, unless we can establish a secure connection to our network from your local home network, your new computer cannot verify your account because it cannot “see” the WCER network, and thus will not let you sign in.
By following the steps outlined in this document, we will overcome this problem.
First we’ll get your new computer connected to your local Wi-Fi network, and then we will get it connected to WCER’s network via the pre-installed VPN client (GlobalProtect).
Finally, you will be able to sign in to your laptop using your WCER username and password.

Once you are signed in to your laptop, we need to get the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub configured for you.
The final steps will be activating Microsoft 365 (Office) and Adobe Creative Cloud and any other resources you will need.

NOTE: If at any time you would like assistance please contact WCER's Research IT Help Desk and we will be happy to guide you along this process.



Getting Started (Your first time signing in)

Getting Connected to Internet and then VPN
The link below contains the instructions for connecting to the Internet over your local Wi-Fi, then connecting to the VPN client, and finally signing in to your new computer for the first time.

Please note, the link below should open in a new browser tab by default. Once you have completed the steps in that article, please return to this page to continue with the setup of your laptop.

Using VPN Pre-Login Authentication for Remote PCs:



Workspace ONE

Once logged in, the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub window will eventually appear.
Please follow the next steps to configure the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub, which will help keep your computer updated and safe from malware as well as provide a curated list of applications.

Enter education-wcer in the the Group ID field and click on the Submit button.

Group ID:  education-wcer

Please enter education-wcer as the Group ID again.
Enter your UW NetID username and password and click the Submit button.

Enter Group ID and NetID credentials

A "Device Registration Complete!" notification will briefly appear after the login is verified.

Worklspace ONE Device Registration Complete notification

Accept or decline the anonymous feedback terms. This simply sends anonymous application data to VMware for improving the Workspace ONE application, like identifying bugs.
Choose I Agree or Not Now

Anonymous feedback agreement

The final screen shown below should display your name in the bottom left corner of the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub window.

Final Screen- Favorites

Please use the guide linked below to learn how to download and install applications via The Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.

Windows- How to use the Workspace ONE App Catalog



Microsoft and Adobe Apps

Adobe Creative Cloud (Acrobat)

Adobe Acrobat is already installed, but to use it you first need to sign in to Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) using your UW NetID credentials.

How to Sign In to Adobe Creative Cloud:

  1. Type your NetID email ( in the Email address field and click the blue Continue button. Do not use your email address.
  2. UW-Madison's NetID login screen will open, and you will log in with your NetID and NetID password, followed by Duo multi-factor authentication.
  3. After you finish logging in with your NetID, you'll be returned to the Creative Cloud Desktop app with your available applications displayed. From there, you can install, update, or open the apps.
  4. If at any point you're presented with a choice between Personal Account and Company or School Account when signing in, choose Company or School Account (see image below).

Choose "Company or School Account"

After getting Adobe CC activated, you can add Acrobat by clicking Install. It may take several minutes for both Adobe CC and Acrobat to install and update. 

Microsoft Teams
When Teams is launched, please choose the “Use another account or sign up” link at the bottom of the Teams widow. Use your UW email and password that matches your UW NetID to log in.

Choose "Use Another Account.."

When prompted, enter your UW Email address and click the Next button.

Sign In using your UW Email address

Enter your UW NetID credentials, followed by Duo multi-factor authentication to complete the setup.

Enter UW NetID credentials

Microsoft Teams should now be ready to use.

Microsoft 365 (Outlook for Windows) - Configure Outlook

NOTE: Once you have activated Outlook, you should also be automatically signed in to Word, Excel and other Office applications.



Other Applications

If you are a local administrator on your computer (which is almost always the case as of this documentation's publishing date), you have the ability to install and remove applications without WCER Help Desk assistance. As the saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility", so please be aware and take care when installing an application, plug-in, or other tool.

The WCER Research IT staff suggests that you get in the habit of searching the Workspace ONE App Catalog for an application before obtaining it from the Internet. Only applications which have been vetted are available within the Intelligent Hub app catalog.

Additionally, we are always looking to expand the list of available applications, so please offer suggestions if you know of something that would benefit your fellow WCER members.

Windows- How to use the Workspace ONE App Catalog

If you need assistance with this or have questions please contact WCER's Research IT Help Desk


Related Documents

wcer, remote, laptop, issue, checkout, issuance windows 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Dave P. in WCER