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Web Hosting - Adding Domains to Your Account
There is no set-up fee for your primary production and test domains, and additional domains/environments are available for a one-time setup fee of $100.
Add a Domain
Please review the following considerations when deciding whether to add a new domain to an existing account. It may be more appropriate to request a new account. If you're sure you want to add a new domain, you can complete the Additional Domain Request Form to begin the process.
- Does it make organizational sense to group the domains together in one account? For example, do the domains belong to programs in the same department and are they supported by the same IT staff?
- The new domain will share quota resources with the existing domain(s). You will designate what portion of the overall account quota/storage the new site should contain out of the total.
- If multiple platforms are required (LAMP, Windows/IIS/ASP.NET, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Restricted Data), you will need multiple Web Hosting accounts.
- The monthly fee for service-level billing on an account cannot be segregated into different funding sources. If separate billing is needed for multiple websites, please request a new account.
- There is one list of contacts for each account, all of whom will receive emails and notifications for any of the domains on the account.
Additional or secondary domain totals are capped for each account depending on service level. If you require more domains than your current service level allows, you can move up a service level.
- Bronze: No extra domains. Free accounts are limited to one production domain and test upon request (see Web Hosting - Free Accounts).
- Nickel: One test and one production domain
- Silver: Up to three extra domains (test and production)
- Gold/Platinum Includes up to eight extra domains (test and production)
- Need more domains? There is a $10 charge (per month) for each domain beyond nine (primary + eight extra domains).
Contact if you have any questions.