University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-09-29

approved October 6, 2014
September 29, 2014
Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
1. Meeting called to order: 12:34 PM.
2. Update from Broman on shared governance meeting at OSU. 
3. Update from Petty on UWS faculty reps governance meeting. 
Topics discussed at faculty rep meeting: tuition freeze and biannual budget; standardization; changes to UWS 4 and 7 mandated by Title IX; student voter IDs; timing of governance actions and summer break; 9-month appointment pay schedule; faculty compensation.
4. Update on shared governance website and chancellor’s letter.
5. PROFS steering committee update. 
6. Discussion of ad hoc, informal civility committee and moving process into official shared governance process. 
7. Discussion: Faculty Senate agenda for October 06 meeting.
8. Minutes of the meeting of September 15, 2014, approved.
9. CURAFA Report (Kent Weigel): Discussion of recommendation to suspend writing requirement and preparation for Senate presentation. Items on CURAFA agenda for coming year: gap in need-based aid; student loans; attraction of top students; “elitism” of cohorts; internal and external communication and messaging. New chair this year. 
10. Update on cluster hires from Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Michael Bernard-Donals: Committee will be established to evaluate impact and results of program. Whether additional rounds will be held and how they will be structured will come out of this evaluation, which is expected to take two years. Evaluation will address focus on broad issues, such as what the best model is for interdisciplinary innovative faculty hires.
11. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Update on deans’ retreat to discuss budget exercise and new budget model. 
b. Discussion of budget model.
c. Discussion of FPP 9.02 and 9.03 changes to be read at Senate meeting and how to integrate informal process on same issues with formal governance. 
12. Broman left – 2:12 PM.
13. Edwards arrived: 2:30 PM
14. Chancellor Blank provided an update on integration efforts on the medical campus.
15. Update on development of budget model (Rebecca Blank and Darrell Bazzell):
a. History of process and where process stands. Report from modeling committee, although a draft, was sufficiently comprehensive to use it as a basis for moving forward. 
b. Chancellor agrees with the modeling committee that next step is detailed recommendations, an area where consensus is less likely. Committee will remain as advisory, but the work it was commissioned to do is complete.
c. New model only relates to system of allocation to deans, not how colleges/schools distribute money. Goal: to create some link between activities and dollars, as almost every higher education institution in country has. Goal: greater transparency and planning incentives. Would like to be in position early in 2015 to announce rollout plan. Will probably start with relatively small percentage of funds; portion of budget subject to model will increase over a number of years but will never cover all funds due to differing needs of different schools/colleges. 
d. VCFA Bazzell discussed details of committee report.
e. Next steps: discussions with chairs and deans, open sessions through mid-November. Input from those discussions will inform final plan. Chancellor will bring this up briefly in State of University, but should plan more detailed agenda item in future. 
16. Chancellor Blank acknowledged receipt of the ad hoc committee report on classified research.
17. Chancellor Blank provided update on facilities planning, including Chemistry, Music, and Rec Sports projects.
18. Discussion of final revisions of language on intimidating/hostile behavior. 
19. Meeting adjourned at 3:39 PM.

University Committee september 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty