IWS New User Request

How to fill out the new user request form for IWS access.

·               Go to "Platform.doit.wisc.edu" 

  Click link "New User Request Form." on web page

·         Click on “Systems Engineering New User Form”

·         Create New Account for you or Create New Account for someone else

  Fill out the page like below. 


****If you would like help in filling out the proper fields for this form, please use "Teams" chat or e-mail me and I'll be happy to work with you. Kim Virden


      Workload Automation Service administrators are the approvers of the request. 


       For more detailed instructions and graphics see the KB article here; Access to Workload Automation

KeywordsIWS New User Request TWS   Doc ID38058
OwnerKim V.GroupDoIT Workload Automation
Created2014-02-28 10:00:46Updated2024-08-08 07:55:29
SitesDoIT Communications KB, DoIT Workload Automation
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