GCP - Requesting an existing GCP Project be transferred to the UW-Madison contract

Existing GCP projects (accounts) can be transferred to the UW-Madison Enterprise agreement.

Requesting an existing GCP Project be transferred to the UW-Madison contract

Before requesting an existing non-enterprise GCP project (account) be transferred to the UW-Madison contract, please note that there are a few differences between non-enterprise and enterprise (UW-Madison) projects (Why Should I Use a UW Madison Public Cloud Account? )
  • If you created your GCP project using your NetID, your project is already under the UW Org.   Contact the cloud team confirm, or to make changes to your billing or other configurations.
  • If you created your project using a gmail account, it is not associated with an organization.   The cloud team can work with you on the steps described in the GCP documentation.   You will need to have the permissions described in the document in your current project and rights to add groups and roles to the project.
To request an existing GCP project be transferred to the UW-Madison contract, fill out the Cloud Account Request form. In the Additional Information section, note that you have an existing project that you'd like to transfer and include the following information about the existing GCP project:
  • Project Name (email address used to login): 
  • Project Number: 
  • Project Full Name
Other Requirements
  • Project must be setup to pay via credit card (can not be a member of a different organization) - if your project is part of another organization (e.g. another University's enterprise contract), we will need to work with GCP to transition.   The public cloud team can help.
  • Project must not have any outstanding charges or payment problems.
After you submit your responses, your project should be migrated in about a week.  You will be contacted by UW-Madison staff once your project has been migrated.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please Contact the Public Cloud Team .

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

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Kelly R. in Public Cloud
Public Cloud