Acuity One45 - Form Search Results
The Form Search Results page is the data page from conducting search related to evaluation and assessment sendouts. The report will return data in tabular form. This document will provide an overview of the form search results page and its functions.
The Forms Search Results page will show up as the results of several searches within the system. This includes the Custom Form Search, under Sendouts (for Phase 2), and Sendout Packages (Phase 1).
Form Search Results Overview
*Image sourced from Acuity One45 and does not reflect UW-Madison students, faculty or staff.
After conducting a search related to evaluations and/or assessments, results will commonly be shown on the Form Search Results page. The Form Search Results page provides an overview of the evaluation/assessment sendout and allows users to complete specific actions such as reminders, deletion, changing assessors/evaluators, and more.
Form Search Results - Legend
Header Row
The header of the form search can be sorted by the specific column titles: The Rotation, Evaluator, Target, Rotation Dates, Form, and Date Received
NOTE: When completing a sort, the numbers of the left side of each row, will stay associated with that row regardless of a sort.
Radio Buttons
Radio Buttons:
The radio buttons to the left of the row are for personal tracking purposes only. They do not hold any specific meaning within the system. The buttons can be white, green (clicking once), or red (clicking twice).
Sendout Type Letters ("s", "h", and "r")
Sendout Type Letters ("s", "h", and "r"):
Letters may appear after the radio buttons on the form search results page. These letters indicate what type of sendout the evaluation/assessment is. A key to these letters is included on all form search results.
- "s" indicates a single send meaning an evaluation was sent out using the Bulk/Single Send option.
- "h" indicates the evaluator in that row is the head evaluator for the form
- "r" indicates the form is a releasor form. (This functionality is not yet available)
Fwd Link and "e"
Fwd Link:
The fwd link allows the form to be sent to a different evaluator/assessor. The fwd function also works for distributers. Distributers will have a list of individuals of whom they need to distribute under the target category.
- Click fwd under the current assessor's name.
- A pop up window will appear. In the pop up window, choose the new assessor. Click on the new assessor's name to fwd to them.
- The new assessor's name will replace the former. In addition, the new assessor will get an email alerting them to the new item in their To Do page.
NOTE: If a user is serving as a distributor on an evaluation workflow, but is unable to distribute that week, that user or another user with the same permission may forward the distributer list to the user providing coverage. (Example: If coordinators are providing coverage for each other, the forwarding can assist in ensuring all distributions are met).
The "e" link send an individual email reminder to the evaluator/assessor.
- Click on the "e" next to the evaluator/assessor's name.
- A pop up menu will appear to confirm the email.
- Clicking yes, will send the the evaulator/assessor a reminder email. Clicking no will exit the menu and complete no further action.
NOTE: There is an option to bulk send emails using the Bulk Email Reminder button. This button will send an email to all those listed under the Form Search Results page who have not completed an evaluation.
Edit (Rotation dates)
Edit (Rotation dates):
The edit button beside the rotation dates allow you to change the rotation dates on the form. Changing the date on one form row will only impact the individual form.
- Click Edit.
- A Calendar window will appear. Select the updated dates of the rotation.
- Then click ok.
- Editing the rotation dates will impact the header of the form which assessors/evaluators can view.
Form Status, View, Reopen, and Delete Forms
The view button allows the user to view completed forms. If a form is anonymous, this view may not be available.
Form Status:
Indicates the status of the form.
- Incomplete: Blank check box
- Incomplete and closed: Grayed out blank check box with the word "closed"
- Completed: Marked check box. This box can be clicked to review the contents of completed, non-anonymous forms.
The reopen button sends the saved evaluation form back to the evaluator's To-Do. The reopen action can only be done before the due date of the evaluation. To reopen forms past the due date. use the form hound.
Delete: The delete button removes evaluation forms from the evaluator's To-Do. Deleted evaluations using the individual delete method will still show in the form search results and may be undeleted.
Undelete: The undelete button sends a previously deleted evaluation form back to the evaluator's To Do.
The Form Hound (Form Metadata)
Form Hound: The form hound is indicated by a paw print at the end of the row.
- Clicking the paw print will expand further details about the evaluation form in a new window.
- Sent by Program: Environment which the evaluation was sent
- Form Name: Name of evaluation/assessment form
- Rotation/moment name: Name of the specific rotation for which the form was sent
- Date Span: Date span of the consecutive specialty rotation
- Sender: Indicates the individual who clicked "send" on the Sendouts tab
- Type of Sendout: Indicates the type of sendout (e.g. single send out, bulk sendout)
- Evaluator: Name of the Evaluator/Assessor. If the form has not distributed yet, "pending distribution" will be listed in this row
- Head Evaluator/Release: Indicates if a head evaluator was added to the form
- Current Status: Shows the status of the form
- Options include: "Sent, pending distribution", "sent, not complete", "Complete", "deleted"
- Options include: "Sent, pending distribution", "sent, not complete", "Complete", "deleted"
- Target: Indicates who will be assessed/evaluated.
- Target can display the target's name, or if a distributer option is being used "target to be picked" will appear
- Target can display the target's name, or if a distributer option is being used "target to be picked" will appear
- Distribution: Indicates if there is a distributor attached to the sendout. The distributer's name will appear after "Yes".
- Anonymity: Indicates is the form on the sendout was anonymous or not
- Results: Lists how results will be seen by the target (this is chosen in the evaluation workflow process)
- Close Date/Available Until: This shows the date any incomplete forms will be deleted from the evaluator's To Do. This tool can be used to extend the time period a form is available to the evaluator.
- Clicking "change" on the Close Date row.
- A pop up window will appear with an editable date field. The pop up box will also include a list of "people affected by changing this close date".
- Update the date to the new close date. Then, click "update".
- The window will advance to a confirmation window.
- The form will immediately be sent back into the To-Do of the evaluator/assessor.
Bulk Email Reminder
Bulk Email Reminder: The Bulk email reminder button is found on the upper left hand side of the screen. Clicking this button will send a reminder email to evalautors/assessor's within the form search results who have not completed an evaluation.
After clicking "Bulk Email Reminder" a pop up will appear for confirmation.
Clicking "yes", will send the reminder emails with links to the evaluator's/assessor's To Do page. Clicking "no" will result in no action.
Questions and Support
For questions and support, please email: