Wisc Account Administration site - Logging in

The following document explains how to log in to the Wisc Account Administration site.
  1. Navigate to: https://wiscmail.wisc.edu/admin

  2. If prompted, enter your NetID and password on the NetID login screen

    NetID login screen

    • If you don't know your password, you can use these instructions to reset your password.
    • If you don't know your NetID, please contact the DoIT Help Desk for support.
  3. If you have administrative access to accounts, domains, calendar prefixes, or resource calendars other than your netid@wisc.edu account, you will be directed to the Delegated Administration screen, shown below.

    Delegated Administration screen

    If you only have administrative access to your own netid@wisc.edu account, you will bypass this screen entirely. Skip to step 5.

  4. On the Delegated Administration screen, you can select the account, resource, domain or prefix that you want to manage, including your own netid@wisc.edu account.

  5. Make the desired changes to your account or domain settings. If you have any questions about how to change a particular setting, you can search the KnowledgeBase for step-by-step instructions.

Keywordswisc account administration site login logging in sign in signin office 365 office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 microsoft google apps uw-madison googleapps calendar calendars email managing manage delegated linked linking resource resources domains domain departmental accounts prefix prefixes admin log administer administering administers wiscmail admin   Doc ID49525
OwnerWAA S.GroupWisc Account Admin
Created2015-03-25 11:01:06Updated2023-02-02 09:26:48
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Google Apps, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin
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