Wisc Account Administration site - Known Issues

The following document outlines known issues with the Wisc Account Administration site.


  • "Accounts without authorized NetID's" report comes back blank
    • This issue occurs regardless of the domain or whether there are accounts which are not linked.

Accounts in UW-Madison Microsoft 365

  • Permissions are not always applied
    • When a service account or resource is linked to a NetID or the NetID is set as the owner, the NetID receives full mailbox permissions to the account. Because the way Microsoft handles permissions involves the command for full mailbox permissions to pass through several layers, some users report the full mailbox permissions were not applied. If this is the case, re-link the NetID or re-add it as an owner. If the permissions still are not successfully applied, please contact the DoIT Help Desk.
  • Safari error "Validation failed. Please try again later."
    • Due to the extended response time when running certain commands, you receive the above error when using Safari. This is caused by Safari's timeout on synchronous JavaScript calls - currently hard coded at 10 seconds. Please use either Firefox or Chrome when interacting within Wisc Account Administration site. We continue to look into ways of working around this issue.
  • Error 1001 when viewing the service or resource account listing page
    • The most likely reason for this error is due to an invalid character entered within the description field. Please contact the DoIT Help Desk and provide them with the specific page and account address you were just interacting with within the Wisc Account Administration site.
  • Error 1001 when searching for a NetID account (eg. bbadger@wisc.edu)
    • The means that the NetID account is valid but it is currently not active for Microsoft 365 service. Please contact the DoIT Help Desk if you need to further troubleshoot this issue.
  • Unable to administer Microsoft Group
    • After assigning an alternate address to a group and making it the primary address on the group, you no longer have the ability to administer the group via the 'Groups' listing.

      missing type and administer group action

      Workaround: within Wisc Account Administration site, go to "Delegated Administration" and select the group you want to administer.

Keywordswaa permissions quota accounts without authorized netids netid office 365 permissions not applied service account resource blank owner owners link linked full mailbox permissions repair domain admins google apps safari times out error 1001 microsoft group administer wiscadmin   Doc ID51368
OwnerWAA S.GroupWisc Account Admin
Created2015-05-13 15:28:24Updated2024-08-05 07:00:55
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Google Apps, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin
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